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Old 08-16-04, 03:41 PM   #76
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I am still missing these people who look at number of posts to see how "experienced" someone is...????? Seriously....people have mentioned it before, but I have yet to see anyone truely think it means how smart or experienced someone is....honestly is this a real problem? I just haven't ever noticed it.

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Old 08-16-04, 03:44 PM   #77
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I think it was a while back, when you had different tags on under your avatar depending on the number of posts you had. And stars I think or something. Can't remember properly but I am pretty sure people are refering to this.
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Old 08-16-04, 03:46 PM   #78
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Marisa - I personally haven't seen this as a problem as well. I do commend sSnakeSs on getting rid of the 'ranks' above our avatars. That would be misleading, I believe, but the number of posts one makes is irrelevant to their actual knowledge; I, like you, don't think that is an issue here.

I may be wrong... if anyone believes that the number of posts is indicative to their knowledge and experience please know that it is not. I am a prime example! LOL =)

Beat me to it, Siretsap!!! I was just writing the same thing, but you posted first!!! LOL =)
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Old 08-16-04, 03:53 PM   #79
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I admit I do take a glance at the number of posts from time to time, not really to accomplish anything. I know that it means nothing. LOL, right now I have more posts than BGF.
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Old 08-16-04, 04:58 PM   #80
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I want to add one quick thing about spelling, even though it wasn't the starting topic for this thread. I just don't want start a new thread/argument on spelling. All things considered (disabilities, typos, neglect, etc.), improper spelling will take away some effectiveness of the "Search" feature.

As for the level of experience of posters, I haven't had too much of a problem picking which posts to disregard. Since I joined in May, I have been (and still will be) constantly researching my first reptile. Read tons of threads/posts and usually usernames will stick out as either spewing off heresy or relaying valuable information. The number of posts means nothing to me. Yes it’s an exaggeration, but who knows when some herper will come out of the jungles/desert from years of research and sign up at Ssnakess. Personally, I will look more at the date they joined then combine that with some of their earlier posts using the "Search for all posts by this user". From that, I can usually get a rough idea of whose advice is more accurate and even better, from their personal experience.

Just my thoughts, take them as you will.
Good day,

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Old 08-16-04, 06:12 PM   #81
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I meant to clarify in my post that my pet peeve with the words "your" and "you're" is its own issue and has nothing to do with who I consider to be an expert. The reason I didn't comment on experience is because despite the several years of research I did before ever owning a snake and the over 25 different SPECIES of snakes I've worked with, the largest collection I've maintained at one time being 47 animals, I'm utterly fed up with people who assume I know nothing just because I've been keeping snakes for a year and a half. I like to think that the advice I offer on this board is sound advice, even though I'm a 'n00b'.
- Ken LePage
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Old 08-16-04, 06:51 PM   #82
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Originally posted by marisa
I am still missing these people who look at number of posts to see how "experienced" someone is...????? Seriously....people have mentioned it before, but I have yet to see anyone truely think it means how smart or experienced someone is....honestly is this a real problem? I just haven't ever noticed it.

Where I let this come into play was when I was new to the site: first online messageboard that I really had ever seen.

If someone gave me info, I was more likely to check elsewhere to verify if it was their first post or whatnot, as opposed to someone with over 1,000 posts.

Believe me, I also double checked those with multiple posts (and found that some with mult posts gave the most worthless answers!) but usually found that they had more reliable advice overall.
Brent Strande

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Old 08-18-04, 10:06 AM   #83
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Wow, this thread got resurrected.
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
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Old 08-18-04, 10:23 AM   #84
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I thinc it shows that you kare what you post wen you tacke the tyme to at leeest do a spill cheque.
It shows proppr rispekt to thos reeding.
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Old 08-18-04, 10:27 AM   #85
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Old 08-18-04, 10:54 PM   #86
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You aren't the only one Boidkeeper. Many many times I should keep my mouth shut, I don't. And the minute I hit the reply button, I know I should have just left it alone. :P
Marisa, you are aware of the edit button right? :P Just kidding of course.

Common people really, if a couple misspelt words bother you THAT much, you seriously need to reconsider the important things in life, and just relax . Heh.

As for number of posts = experienced, I think that is only a belief of newer members to the site. Once your here for a month or two, you start to pick out who is who.
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Old 08-19-04, 09:19 AM   #87
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TheGino - It's not that misspelled words bother us; the point we are trying to make is that someone who repeatedly misspells words, for whatever reason, doesn't 'come off' as a reliable, educated resource.

Anyways, it's off topic somewhat, so I'll just leave it at that. =)
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Old 08-19-04, 10:42 AM   #88
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GRRRR....SPELL CHECK......GRRRRRR.......YOUNG KIDS........relax guys if somones gonna give false information they're gonna do it regardless whether you like it or point being is if somone posts to tell you something about your reptile, you should be smart enough to search elsewhere for answers (IE internet books and other places) If somone says something totally outrageous as somone stated about treating mites with rubbing alcohol on the site, PLZ make sure you check that information!!!! Keeping the animals in mind of course.... If I did any bashing in my replyy plz forgive me I didn't really wanna cause another arugument.....Anyway, thats just my thoughts guys

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Old 08-19-04, 11:10 AM   #89
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Yeah well spelling isn't a good argument for judging of people's experience... English might not be their first language ( as in my case, French goes first ), they might be in a hurry, bothered about something else or they're just drunk!!! I'm sorry for all the bashing i did in the post ( a little like Ixidor ), but i was just amazed that someone alouds a 14 years old to own a nile monitor which will grow much faster than he is and will be possibly harmfull... I know everyone has to start somewhere but some things should be left out of the reach of the general public...

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Old 08-19-04, 11:21 AM   #90
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doesn't 'come off' as a reliable, educated resource.
Again, that is a mistake for you or anyone else to think that way. I have two university degrees and can't spell to save my life.
Neither the two degrees nor my inability to spell reflect upon my ability as keeper in any way. There are great spellers on here that give out bad info on a daily bases. Also some of the Canada's most successful breeders on here have nothing more than a high school education. Does it make them any less credible when they give advice?
Long story short, spelling ability does not equal experience or credibility for giving out advice. Or, spelling skills are not a reflection of herp related experience. Anyone who disregards advice based on poor grammar and spelling may only be hurting him or her selves. Just because it's not spelled correctly doesn't mean that the info is any less valuable. If a person in a wheel chair offers you directions on how to walk down town should they be dismissed too just because they can't walk?
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