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Old 01-09-04, 10:53 AM   #61
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Interesting....We seem to have a Darwin Award Contender here...
1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.0 Mexican Black King Snake

A "Choose Your Own Adventure" Hamlet would be nice; To be, turn to page 73.
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Old 01-09-04, 08:23 PM   #62
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Darwin Award!!!

After reading all this...i really dont know what to feel...some people eh? lol
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Old 01-09-04, 08:59 PM   #63
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I'm sorry but this is the kind of attitude that gets people hurt and possibly killed when messing with venomous snakes. And also sheds a very bad light on all reptile keepers.
My thoughts exactly Het. Well said.
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Old 01-09-04, 09:08 PM   #64
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Ah geezes, you've done it to yourself now man... I knew you were headed for a big "WAKE THE HELL UP!" from Invictus, it was but a matter of time. Congratulations, you've earned it!lol!

Now I expect a lot of people are gonna say not to handle venomous snakes, that it's dangerous, that your ensuing death will look bad on those of us that keep snakes responsibly, well I'm not one of those people. You see I am a man of faith, I believe in the will of God and I think that if you feel compelled to "mess" with copperheads then maybe it's your destiny to do so. Yes perhaps The Almighty has his reasons for putting you in the express lane bound for the afterlife, who are we to second guess Him?
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 01-09-04, 09:31 PM   #65
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Originally posted by BoaBoi
Pit bulls and Rottwhielers aren't any different, but some people live with them a long time w/o one "misshap".
Whoa whoa whoa....I own pit bulls AND snakes and let me tell you....there is NO compairing snakes and pit bulls. I would trust my son with my pit bulls long before I would trust him with any of my snakes no matter how long I've had the snakes.

Originally posted by djc3674
Pit Bulls and Rott's are TOTALLY different. They are warm blooded domesticated animals that are obedient to there owners, with the exception of those cases when a Pitt or Rotty turned on someone. But you can make just about any dog mean and aggressive.
I actually have yet to meet a pit bull that just "turns" on someone. Heck, I have yet to meet a human aggressive pit bull period. 95% of the darn "pit bull attacks" are not even "pit bulls" to begin with but dogs of other breeds....including mix breeds.

Originally posted bytHeGiNo
Well when people get pitbulls, they are either stupid are smart. The smart person would understand these animals, as beautiful as they are, HAVE THE ABILITY TO INFLICT SERIOUS DAMAGE, EVEN KILL us. The owner would take this into consideration and treat the dog with this in mind, making sure he/she is properly trained, making sure he is caged up in the backyard and can't escape, making sure people do not pet the dog if we know he might bite.
I have to point out something here...the smart owner will socialize their dog and make sure as many people as possible do pet their dog! If a dog becomes a man-biter it needs to be put down ASAP. Period. I get so sick of people saying that pit bulls are dangerous animals when they are not. I would rather have my 4 year old son around pit bulls than golden retrievers or any other breed of dog.

*gets off soap box now*
~*~ April McCrea ~*~
Scottsbluff, Nebraska
0.1 BCI Columbian Boa, 1.2 American Pit Bull Terriers, 1.0 Skin kid, 1.0 Hubby, And lots of other pets
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Old 01-09-04, 10:29 PM   #66
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HMMM.. this thread reminds me of what do you guys think of rubbermaids.
Cal kingsnake, Ball pythons, BCC's,Colombian redtail boas,Hog island boas, Brazilian rainbow boas,Ksb, Mbk's, Jcp's,Gtp, Borneo blood pythons, Hognose,sinaloan milks,greybanded kings,Bearded dragons, Pitbull&Boxer,Piranhas&Oscars.

Girlfriends just don't understand.
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Old 01-09-04, 11:21 PM   #67
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Originally posted by BoaBoi
I for one do understand the power thes beautiful animals poses, and do have a 4'x2'x17" cage in the mail as we chat.
What happened to the concept of getting the cage all set up, temps worked out for cool/warm ends of the cage etc prior to even bringing the snake home?
0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Creamsicle Cornsnakes, 1.0 Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Ghost Cornsnake, 1.0 Motel Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake, 0.1 Striped Amelanistic Cornsnake, 0.1 Silver Phase Miami Cornsnake, 0.1 Sunglow Cornsnake
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Old 01-10-04, 12:32 AM   #68
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I'm all out of opinion on this topic... everyone's said all that can be said and I'm not gonna beat a dead horse.

Originally posted by MajickSprings
I would rather have my 4 year old son around pit bulls than golden retrievers or any other breed of dog.
LOL...very true. You cannot get some types of insurance if you own a retriever (they make up the top reported human attacks in N. America). I also agree with the pitties agression towards other dogs, they weren't bred to be man-eaters, they were selectively bred for centuries to be loyal to their human companion, while highly aggressive towards other dogs. As with any animal, it becomes what you help mould it in to. I've yet to meet a pit that showed any aggression towards humans.
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Old 01-10-04, 04:15 PM   #69
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Originally posted by MouseKilla
Ah geezes, you've done it to yourself now man... I knew you were headed for a big "WAKE THE HELL UP!" from Invictus, it was but a matter of time. Congratulations, you've earned it!lol!
ROFL!!!! I bet the trademark Invictus "WAKE THE HELL UP" done learned him, eh?
- Ken LePage
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Old 01-10-04, 09:19 PM   #70
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He was on a collision course with your patented wake up call in much the same way playing with the copperheads has him hurtling toward the grave. When the inevitable happens though, and we read about it in the paper, don't get angry. Instead just send a copy of this thread to the papers, it illustrates just how responsible the real herpers are and how we are the first ones to intervene when someone is being a tool. Who knows maybe it will be a net gain for us as far as publicity goes, we may do well with a martyr.LOL!
I feel a little light headed... maybe you should drive...
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Old 01-10-04, 09:53 PM   #71
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I actually have yet to meet a pit bull that just "turns" on someone
This is true in a sense. I for one, have been attacked my friends Pit. I do believe it was not full bred though. Nonetheless, it just snapped one day. This was a dog that was used to me and for some reason, he decided to bite me. Every since that day, the dog was not good around people. It was very aggressive and mean. This dog was not abused nor used in fighting. He doesnt have the dog anymore.

As for another friend, he has a Rotty that he has had since a pup. This was the nicest, gentlest dog I have met (still is pretty much). Accept one day, he snipped at my friends daughter. Any dog of any breed is capapble of biting at any given moment. For the most part, it pretty much falls on the owner and how the dog has been raised and trained.

I would rather have my 4 year old son around pit bulls than golden retrievers or any other breed of dog.
Come on now bro, thats stretching it. I have a pug that is the most loving dog I have owned. I would trust him before any pitbull. Maybe because he is mine and I love him, but still. If in the event that he did bite my son, his mouth is so small it wouldn't do much damage. On the other hand, if a pitbull were to bite a kid, their jaws are so powerful, it could be devastating. Now dont get me wrong, I like pitbulls, I think they are beautiful dogs, but you never put 100% trust in any animal.
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Old 01-10-04, 11:49 PM   #72
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I am new to keeping snakes, that's why i'm here. I don't own a boa but my brother does and I handle her alot. I have a few balls, a coastal carpet and a cali king. I don't know ALOT about snakes but I know enough to tell this moron that lets copperheads have "free range" and then defends his idiot friend that sleeps with his bci, that I don't think either one of you should own a snake or any other animal for that matter! AND another thing, "I DON'T CARE' you made that very obvious! I belong to alot of snake groups and I can tell you that I have never until now ran across somebody that bragged about "knowing alot about snakes" and then ate his own foot! I think you should start caring and take the advice of some of the "real snake keepers" that have posted and learn something. Gary
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Old 01-11-04, 08:36 AM   #73
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QUOTE]but I simply don't care[/QUOTE]

Sorry folks I have been pretty busy being a manager for the last few days so I have not been keeping up with this thread. The specific quote above gave me chills. Lets explore the simple statement above. Here is what I simply don't care about.

(1) How much Bill Gates is worth
(2) Britney's publicity stunt.
(3)How many calories are in a beer.
And so one and so forth

It would seem natural selection is at work here so we should all take notes as to what Boaboi says he does and not do it. What James does not realise is, Many others read this forum,and what he says he does could lead other less experenced herpers to do what he is currently doing. Thusly you are not only endangering yourself but others who may not know the dire consequences of your actions.Like Invictus said in a previous post on this thread "pull your head out of your arse" (perfect, simple bit of advice) not to mention the air will be much fresher and the higher oxygen content will help clear your mind.

“You know its funny I was thinking about what you said. The preeminent truth of our age is that you can not fight the system. But if as you say the truth is fluid that the truth is subjective then maybe you can fight the system. As long as just one person refuses to be broken refuses to bow down” “But can you win?” “Every time I say NO”
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Old 01-11-04, 02:42 PM   #74
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Originally posted by djc3674
Come on now bro, thats stretching it. I have a pug that is the most loving dog I have owned. I would trust him before any pitbull. Maybe because he is mine and I love him, but still. If in the event that he did bite my son, his mouth is so small it wouldn't do much damage. On the other hand, if a pitbull were to bite a kid, their jaws are so powerful, it could be devastating. Now dont get me wrong, I like pitbulls, I think they are beautiful dogs, but you never put 100% trust in any animal.
First...I'm a female thus not your bro

Second...I'm not "stretching it" by my comment that I'd rather leave my 4 year old son with my pit bulls than any other breed. He's been snapped at by a greyhound and bit in the face by a malinois. A good friend of mine was attacked by a cocker spaniel and required 97 stitches on his face. I have another friend who had to have 56 stitches on the back of her leg from a chihuahua. And I have another friend who's daughter had to have cosmetic surgery on her face due to being attacked by a pug. In the news about a year or so ago a child was playing in his own backyard during a wedding reception and the neighbors golden retriever wandered into the yard and went over to the child. The child reached up to pet the dog and it attacked the child. Also in the news a couple of years ago a pomeranian mix killed a baby.

I never said I 100% trust any animal but I do trust my pit bulls way more than I trust any other breed or mix breed of dog. Also, I have zero tolerance for a biting dog of ANY breed.
~*~ April McCrea ~*~
Scottsbluff, Nebraska
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Old 01-11-04, 03:08 PM   #75
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LOL@Hip.. you crack me up man.
- Ken LePage
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