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Old 11-14-13, 10:21 AM   #61
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

what annoys me most about this thread, and many like it, is that there are certain members who insist that unless everyone agrees with them, they have the right to be rude and insulting - and most of the time, those who disagree with them, are the only ones prepared to accept 2 diffrent view points which both have merit.

some of you need to get over yourselves. its really no wonder this forum has such a bad reputation.
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Old 11-14-13, 10:25 AM   #62
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

This forum has a bad reputation? (I ask in all seriousness, i haven't been a part of many forums)
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Old 11-14-13, 10:26 AM   #63
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

MY GAWD peoples, this is not helping the OP. This was ALL about a "STICK" LOL.

Basically Cosmicowl, Provided you get you branch from a clean area (forest or back yard) and not from a toxic waste bump, you are fine to use a stick or rock from the out side without sterilizing it.

On the other had, if you choose to do so, this is fine as well.

I hope THIS helps and ends the four pages of "STICK" arguing.
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Old 11-14-13, 10:28 AM   #64
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

I have accurately measured all of my heat sources with a clibrated temp gun. If you use a uth and mount the probe directly above it it will not get hotter that the range it keeps its temps within. For example a uth set to 35º using a "cheap on off thermostat" will not even hit 37º and will not drop much below 34º. If either temp is not the desirable temp for your snake it will move. I also measured my rhp in such away because the probe is not a few mm off the heat source surface and is mounted on the closest surface to the rhp. Even when on which is full on and not proportioned it never got to hot to touch. Now the actual surface temp of an rhp might drop more than 10º in 20 min but the temp of the surface heated by the rhp will not and again will stay within the operational range of the thermostat. So again saying this fluctuation is a problem for the snake is simply not true.
Kevin is not being a bully here...he is just calling it as he sees it with no filter on.
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Old 11-14-13, 10:29 AM   #65
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
what annoys me most about this thread, and many like it, is that there are certain members who insist that unless everyone agrees with them, they have the right to be rude and insulting - and most of the time, those who disagree with them, are the only ones prepared to accept 2 diffrent view points which both have merit.

some of you need to get over yourselves. its really no wonder this forum has such a bad reputation.
Your going to get this in ALL forums.

I have never seen any where, where this forums has a bad rep, as a matter of fact, from what I have read, this is one of the better reptile forums.
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Old 11-14-13, 10:31 AM   #66
slainte mhath
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

i honestly would say.....

this is one of the most helpful forums out there,and bullying ain't tollerated on here...

imo Wayne and Alessia are very fair mods and boots a decent owner

and most of our members are decent helpfull folk

try asking questions on the largest UK forum...

and they will tear you a new arse half the time lol

or go against the grain with mods like KATO and ALL the mods stick together and you get banned,look what happened to good knowledgable folk like Christian Castille on a UK forum...!!

cheers shaun
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Old 11-14-13, 10:55 AM   #67
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by shaunyboy View Post
i honestly would say.....

this is one of the most helpful forums out there,and bullying ain't tollerated on here...

imo Wayne and Alessia are very fair mods and boots a decent owner

and most of our members are decent helpfull folk

try asking questions on the largest UK forum...

and they will tear you a new arse half the time lol

or go against the grain with mods like KATO and ALL the mods stick together and you get banned,look what happened to good knowledgable folk like Christian Castille on a UK forum...!!

cheers shaun
i agree with most of this, and its why i have stuck around on this forum, despite the issues I outlined, and I agree about the mods too, despite the little spat on this thread which is now deleted.

as for ssnakess bad rep....well, i've lurked on many reptile forums for some years now, and the same names crop up time and time again; having become an active member myself this year, i am dismayed to find it wasn't just rumor.

way off topic now. I have nothing more to add. I hope that future discussions on any topic where people disagree, can be conducted in an intelligent manner, rather than thru insults and genital displays, which do a major disservice to the community as a whole, and certainly do nothing to create a useful discussion which people can learn from.
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Old 11-14-13, 11:05 AM   #68
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

there are spats and at times all out wars on here,but most get resolved and forgotten about and we all go back to being friends

i have found that constant wrong information,or people ignoring good solid advice and causing reptiles uneccesary grief,or being an as*hole are jumped on quickly here (thats NOT aimed at anyone,i'm speaking generally)

but for the most part imo this is a good forum

cheers shaun
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Old 11-14-13, 12:26 PM   #69
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
what annoys me most about this thread, and many like it, is that there are certain members who insist that unless everyone agrees with them, they have the right to be rude and insulting - and most of the time, those who disagree with them, are the only ones prepared to accept 2 diffrent view points which both have merit.

some of you need to get over yourselves. its really no wonder this forum has such a bad reputation.
This is so you. What are you complaining about your the number one offender. You are always talking down to other like they are stupid when they don't agree with you. You give poor advice at best. I have yet to ever see you back up anything with actual proof. Like a web site or article to back up anything.
Originally Posted by formica View Post

as for ssnakess bad rep....well, i've lurked on many reptile forums for some years now, and the same names crop up time and time again; having become an active member myself this year, i am dismayed to find it wasn't just rumor.

What names and what site lets see links. Try something new and show us proof. Personally i think your full of crap and just make stuff up to argue your point.
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Old 11-14-13, 12:30 PM   #70
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
who said anything about enclosure tempretures? are you measuring ambient tempretures or what? stop taking my comments out of context.

Oh I don't know who said that....... Maybe you?

Originally Posted by formica View Post

If a snake requires 35C, but is frequently presented with 40C, because of an inaccurate on/off thermostat, then it is causing problems, and the same goes if that temperature then drops off to 30C within 20 minutes, which it frequently does with cheap thermostats, in the wild far more stable tempretures can be found - when the stable tempreture it requires, are not available, the enzymes it relies on to digest food are not working efficiently, and subsequently the animal is under stress.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 11-14-13, 12:43 PM   #71
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Round and round we go.
Please practice what you preach. Don't like getting treated like a doucheddon't slag others in the same way especially in the same post. Chuck said it best so far. You tal down to people on here and get upset that they didn't like it. Strange. And yes, other than exagerated falsehoods I see no facts to back up anything in this thread. Then you complain about everyone being wrong and then say we need to be tolerant of a difference of opinion. I don't get which side your on....yours?
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Old 11-14-13, 03:46 PM   #72
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

This thread is hilarious. Formica you are not only ridiculous but soo full of crap I'm amazed your handle isn't 'loo'

You claim superiority because you sterilize everything. What if I told you that you're actually doing it wrong? Wrong temps wrong amount of time... basically you're just making more.

How To Sterilize Soil - Urban Farm Online

Start Seed and Transplants in Sterilized Soil

These say 180-220°C for 30 so basically at 65° youre doing nothing.

And in case you are a visual learner..
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Old 11-14-13, 04:00 PM   #73
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Terranaught I did not complain about anything, I said what I do, I said why i do it, I gave the reasons behind it, and I said quite clearly that others have diffrent opinions, and if they have the experience to deal with the consequences should they ocur, then fine. you on the other hand, along with other members who wish to be seen as some kind of alpha male, have decieded that because you disagree with me, you have some right to go on the offensive, and then turn it around on me. this is nonsense, you, Korbin, and everyone can go jump as far as I am concerned.

As for me giving poor advice - well, you are the one telling people they do not need thermostats.

Lady_bug, 65C is enough to kill 99.99% of bacteria, virii, parasites and virtually any other organism living in the wood, it is the tempreture recomended for water (plus chemicals) in hospitals to ensure that surfaces are sterilized. The list you have given in the chart above suggests higher tempretures, from 69C, I would not dispute this, but most are safe at 65C as recommended by various administrations - perhaps this has changed recently, something I will look into, however I always use water hotter than 65C anyway, so it makes little diffrence to what I actually do.

65C - not Fahrenheit, before you try and act all brainy, perhaps you should try the basics first, and read things properly. and of course heating at higher temperatures is better....surely that is just common sense? however heating to the point where organic compounds start to break down in high numbers is damaging and can render good soil, useless. imo heating to the point where most things are killed, but low enough to maintain the composition of the soil, is the most reasonable approach.

Last edited by formica; 11-14-13 at 04:09 PM..
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Old 11-14-13, 04:03 PM   #74
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
TWhat names and what site lets see links. Try something new and show us proof. Personally i think your full of crap and just make stuff up to argue your point.
you really think I have time to waste trawling thru the net to find all the negative comments I have seen about ssnakess members? lol
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Old 11-14-13, 04:10 PM   #75
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Maybe you should learn how to read.

I gave you THREE sources that say you're wrong.

65 does NOT sterilize so it may kill stuff but not all stuff so if you want to jump on people for not sterilizing just realize that what You're doing isn't sterilizing either

Furthermore unless you're taking cultures and samples and testing it there is no way to know it's killing anything so stop being so sure of yourself
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Last edited by lady_bug87; 11-14-13 at 04:24 PM..
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