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Old 12-04-13, 05:35 PM   #61
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Re: RI in new

I am so glad I found this forum! I would have been lost as to how to take care of care sheets only tell you the much better getting first hand experience from people who know what they are doing I have learned enough on here that I find myself "coaching" people on snake care when I go to the pet employees love the fact that I help them to either talk someone into or out of something they are or are not prepared to take care of btw, one more question...her humidity has actually risen to 99% :/ is this bad or good? i took the plexiglass off for now to drop it down a bit...should i replace it and keep the higher humidity?
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Old 12-05-13, 12:08 AM   #62
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Re: RI in new

I do not own a CRB, but I would think that BRB and CRB care is quiet similar. Higher the humidity the better, these are humidity loving snakes, the lowest being around 75%-80%. I keep my BRB, roughly 92-98% it falls every now and then but that is the average it is at.
0.1 Albino Tangerine Hondo (Layla)
1.0 BRB (Voodoo)
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Old 12-05-13, 12:38 AM   #63
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Re: RI in new

awesome, thank you! it got down to about 68 and the hubby put the plexiglass back on and its back up to 99 after just a couple hrs...some ppl had said to let it drop to like 50 or so before letting it go back up so I was wondering what to do :/
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere

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Old 12-05-13, 04:31 AM   #64
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Re: RI in new

Originally Posted by Sharlynn93 View Post
awesome, thank you! it got down to about 68 and the hubby put the plexiglass back on and its back up to 99 after just a couple hrs...some ppl had said to let it drop to like 50 or so before letting it go back up so I was wondering what to do :/
the reason people suggest this, is to allow the substrate to dry out a bit, if the enclosure isnt sealed properly, its easy to end up spraying excessively to try and keep the humidity up high, saturating the substrate in the process, which can be problematic even for rainbow's
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Old 12-05-13, 07:44 AM   #65
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Re: RI in new

thats what I thought. I am going to take it back off for a bit, he has been a bit obsessive about the humidity, I think he is going overboard...i'm gonna drop it down to 80ish...
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere

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Old 12-05-13, 08:02 AM   #66
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Re: RI in new

Originally Posted by Sharlynn93 View Post
thats what I thought. I am going to take it back off for a bit, he has been a bit obsessive about the humidity, I think he is going overboard...i'm gonna drop it down to 80ish...
I dont think you can be over-cautious at this point, until she has started shedding properly, i'd be aiming for above 80 at this point (i noticed a dial meter, have you got a digital hygrometer?)

as long as the substrate isn't soaking wet, then there is no need to air the enclosure like that - if the substrate is soaking, and the humidity is only just holding, then the setup needs to be reconsidered, it probably needs sealing more to hold the humidity up; better to take the substrate out in that case, and squeeze the excess water out (tea towels are useful for this), then see how you can seal the enclosure up more
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Old 12-05-13, 08:23 AM   #67
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Re: RI in new

I agree with formica, I would aim for higher humidity. One thing you can also do, is give a humid hide. Mine is as simple as small tupperware with holes cut in the sides so he can get in and out its stuffed with sag moss and works great.
0.1 Albino Tangerine Hondo (Layla)
1.0 BRB (Voodoo)
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Old 12-05-13, 10:01 AM   #68
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Re: RI in new

she does have a digital hygrometer, those sticky ones were in the tank when I bought it her hide is quite humid, if i pick it up, the water runs off the top and substrate isn't "soaked" but it is pretty damp...can't wring any water out of it, but it sure isn't dry by any means...her tank holds humidity quite well with that plexiglass on top..i'm waiting for rain clouds to form and start a monsoon in
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere

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Old 12-06-13, 01:00 AM   #69
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Re: RI in new

I've kept my humidity at 99% for the 4 months I've had my brb and haven't had any problems at all,sheds in 1 piece every time...awesome job with the snake btw!!! Got me contemplating getting a crb now...thanks lol!

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Old 12-06-13, 11:47 AM   #70
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Re: RI in new

Thanks for the vote of confidence hopefully her next shed will be better and she will be back to 100%!
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere

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Old 12-06-13, 11:01 PM   #71
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Re: RI in new

+1 for higher humidity until the shedding sorts out. It's almost impossible to give these guys "too much" humidity!
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Old 12-10-13, 07:25 PM   #72
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Re: RI in new

so, Iris ate again for me tonight! ate 2 mice this time! making progress!! looked like she was looking for another, but I would like to ease her up since she didn't eat for 5 weeks...
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere

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Old 12-11-13, 02:41 AM   #73
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Re: RI in new

Respiratory infections in rainbows can be fast and deadly, so kudos for keeping an eye on her and speaking with a vet. Raise the heat in her viv until you can get to the vet (84ish for the warm end, but leave the cool end in the 70s). When you transport her, use a small cooler if you have one, and make sure you warm up the car before loading her in. Good luck!
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Old 12-18-13, 10:34 PM   #74
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Re: RI in new

Update on Iris...she took f/t no problem tonight took 2 more adult mice for me
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Old 12-19-13, 09:09 AM   #75
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Re: RI in new

Really glad to see all the improvement Iris has had... great job in being so proactive and doing all you could to keep her healthy. She looks GREAT!
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