Originally Posted by Mark Taylor
If it was me..
I would try to find someone that will look after the snake properly (Reputable breeder or collector).
Come to some sort of agreement that you pay all expenses for your snake plus some for time cleaning etc. And have access too, so you can get to see your snake live a happy healthy life while you are away.
When you finish your education you still own your snake
If you are unable to find that person I would sell to someone who has experience and wish it all the best.
Good advice, IMO. You might also check with any veterinary clinics in the area...some vet techs might welcome some reptile experience without charging you an arm & a leg. Just to be safe, if you decide to "board" your snake with someone & intend to get it back or be able to visit in the meantime, be sure to make it a written agreement. Reputable people will understand. Also check with nearby zoo's (not that a zoo wants a BP, but a staff member might?) or herpetological societies in the area? Same goes if you just decide to rehome it.
I would not advise sneaking it into the dorm though... remember your pet needs proper conditions and cages set up incorrectly can & have started fires. You could face ALL kinds of penalties (including financial responsibility!) if that were to happen, not to mention the ugly death of your pet.
Also, most dorms (& apartments for that matter) routinely spray to kill bugs...if pets aren't supposed to be there, it's just tough luck if it dies as a result. (that happened to me when I was in college & had a hamster that wasn't supposed to be there...someone in the bldg. had a cat, & before you knew it the entire bldg. needed fumigated for cat fleas...there was no warning...I came home to a dead hamster & no apologies.)
Best of luck!