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I've tried to pop a couple of my snakes in the past, and it was always not done well enough, i suppose. No hemipeni, and barely the cloaca sticking out. I just got a cheap set of propes from lll reptile at the rep show this Jan, and checked almost everyone out. I had thought my corn was a girl! The carpet python i thought was a boy....then finally began suspecting girl. I still feel the probe on her may have been inconclusive, because her tail is SOOO long. It's nothing compared to the balls, boas, or hognose.
Anyway my ramble was, that learning to do it, is helpful. It's also not as dangerous if you get some ky jelly, and have another set of hands there to hold the subject steady!
I find popping rather easy.... Been my method of sexing ever since. I'm if the snaeks disliked it they would bite me, they have no problem doing it for other reasons so i assume its not even bothering them really. I just learned how from one of Ralphy's videos myself. I would like to buy a probe set at the next show I go to though, just to learn.
seems like evertime i try i can't get any hemipeni. I just assumed that even though i have young snakes, they were too old to make it work properly, so i just got the probes. The smaller the better too. I used our second smallest probe on our 4.5ft 10yr+ ball python and it got the job done with less intrusion. I've heard large probes are only for the huge snakes. The only one i never could confirm, with poping was my small hognose. And he's vent is SO small i'm afraid to try to probe!
I started popping on my adult male ball python. Just kinda clicked I guess, I dunno. Helps if your hands are really dry, like after using bar soap. You can apply pressure and slide easier. I've always been too scared to probe lol! I mean is it obvious when the probe can't go any further? How easy is it exactly to pierce through? I dunno, seems tricky to me, I don't have a stead hand(helps for feeding lol, terrible for pictures..)
I have tried popping my larger young snakes, and my smaller young snakes, and i FEEL like i'm doing it right....but there is just nothing that comes out. Just OR sometimes i'll get the "butthole" to come out...but after probing i KNEW that one was a male, and i still couldn't get those hemis out. Clearly, i juts can't pop!
With probing, i just go really slow, twisting and making sure there is ky jelly all along the probe. When it stops, it just stops. Most probes now days will have little balls on the end, so when it stops, you have a smaller risk of poking the animal too hard and hurting it. Four our ball pythons, it was a dramatic difference. Our only girl....the probe stopped right after inserting it practically. The males it went way far almost the end of the probe.
I tried popping my corn snake quite a few times when he was given to me. I was convinced because nothing came out, it was a girl. He is a TOTAL boy after probing!
To ramble on some more, i am still unsure about my carpet python. "her" tail is SO LONG after the vent. The probe doesn't go in very far, but like, compared to the ball python it's super far. And it did go like half the probe...but didn't seem like it went far enough compared to tail length or number of scales to be a boy.
The boas were all what i was told they were. The hognoses are dimorphic so i already knew they were boys...i checked one just to see how far down the probe goes for them...and it went far for him, just like it did for all the other males.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
where did you order your probes from Jaleely?
Can you go into more details about how to differentiate between males and females when probed? You mentioned that when you probed your female carpet the probe went in deeper than anticipated, can you talk about that more?
where did you order your probes from Jaleely?
Can you go into more details about how to differentiate between males and females when probed? You mentioned that when you probed your female carpet the probe went in deeper than anticipated, can you talk about that more?
Here a example. On a corn you insert the probe and then mark on the probe how deep it went with your finger and then blace that beside the snake and count the amount of scales. A female probes 2-4 and a male probes 6-8 or 8-10 (one of the 2)
Originally Posted by millertime89
Can too, I've seen it done numerous times. Here's an example on 10ish foot retic.
Ok, let me put it this way. It's very hard to on adult cause they have allot of muscle control.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
Here a example. On a corn you insert the probe and then mark on the probe how deep it went with your finger and then blace that beside the snake and count the amount of scales. A female probes 2-4 and a male probes 6-8 or 8-10 (one of the 2)
Originally Posted by kernel
Ok, let me put it this way. It's very hard to on adult cause they have allot of muscle control.
Travis said it takes some work to get good at popping the bigger ones, but once you get it down its just like doing it on a smaller one. Also depends on your definition of adult, and year old female retic can hit 9 feet...
6 or more IIRC, he never specified what constitutes an "adult". On the opposite end of the spectrum some smaller snakes will never hit the length that a retic reaches in the first 6 months of life. "Adult" is a bad measure of how easy/difficult a snake will be to pop.
6 or more IIRC, he never specified what constitutes an "adult". On the opposite end of the spectrum some smaller snakes will never hit the length that a retic reaches in the first 6 months of life. "Adult" is a bad measure of how easy/difficult a snake will be to pop.
In a way yes and in a way no. Adults have such strong muscle control that it's very difficult and the risk of injury is higher, babies and juveniles don't have sufficient control yet. However, I suppose it's different on burm, retics and the other large pythons and boids?
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles