hi, i keep these.
i keep them in a 4x2 viv, on a mix of sand and clay. these love to burrow and this set up works well for them and keeps the humidity as low as possible.
they have a hide but do trash everything in the viv!
these are docile to a point of being a bit dopey but their feeding response is fearsome!
they are pure pigs and will eat and eat so no matter what the cute face looking all hungry is telling you dont over feed them!
as youngsters this is really really important to ensure healthy adults.
they are terrestrial but as some of the photos will show one likes to hang out in the top of her viv!
as for size im sure i read a post earlier in the thread saying 7.5ft?
my lad is was imported from canada and not much over 4ft but my female is the biggest woma i have ever seen and she is only just over 6ft (this is not normal!)
the thinking behind the size and type difference is that they are from different areas origionally and whilst many lines are blurred she is very typical of a more southern animal where the male is more typical of the NT animals.
they are a great species to keep and really funny to watch.
my female
hanging out in the top of the viv (she is up there now and has been there all day!
and my leg after a bite! she is a sod for biting but thats also not too usual!
just shows the wide bite they have
my male, he has retained his panda mask
in his quarantine home when he first came
hope you find some of this useful!