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Old 07-03-11, 09:57 AM   #46
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
do you own a monitor? lol. cuz i've seen tons of people taking theirs on walks with harnesses and such. seems pretty similar to a dog if you ask me. i agree you shouldn't really "cuddle" with any reptile and most reptiles don't love human contact. that being said, if your animal isn't stressed by it, go to town. handle it all you want.
pretty similar to a dog? How do you even go about finding similarity's in animals so far apart? lol
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Old 07-03-11, 12:17 PM   #47
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Re: nile's invade florida

you're clearly missing the similarities i was pointing out.
if people give their monitors treats, take them on walks and such. i'd say they have a few similarities with dogs. i'm also 100% positive some monitors take to handling just fine, as long as you don't hold them excessively and stress them out.
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Old 07-03-11, 12:56 PM   #48
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by Herpeton View Post
what kinda book are you reading lol
Niloticus have one of the worst reputation when it comes to Varanids, being very difficult to tame, even with constant handling. The odds of having a large tame niloticus are very slim. Considering i have owned both species. And worked with a V.niloticus and V.salvator of the same, size. And these were captive specimens, which were used to the weekly feeding routine and interaction.

So all in all, "water's" with proper handling and proper husbandry, could become a very tame reptile, considering for roughly 5 years as a volunteer. I went to many shows with this animal, i would never consider bringing a V.niloticus. But in the end V.niloticus are much more aggressive.

And you said you would rather deal with a wild specimen? A animal that has rare full on interactions with humans? and you would like to deal with a reptile that? Good luck with that....

There is much more i would like to say but i am biting me tongue on this one, yes i am. despite how much i said. Just imagine if i didn't bite it lol

I am not trying to "bash" you, rather trying to make this thread more professional. Hopefully you understand

I personally expect nothing more from my nile monitor temperament wise. Huffing, puffing and whipping. As the picture shows all 3 traits.
I believe you are missing some of the reasons I said what I did. I wouldn't choose the nile just for temperament for other reasons as well some of which is size related and enclosure related. Niles are a hardier species that don't require as much as V. salvator does.

I also disagree, the reputation that niles have is based heavily upon the way they act as hatchlings and bad owners. Most people I know that own adults have gotten theirs to a handleable/touchable state and have no problems interacting with a niloticus just as readily as a salvator.

Also, niloticus is not aggressive, they are defensive. You're forcing them into a small box and forcing them to interact with you, and they are behaving the only way they know- by standing their ground. Take the same niloticus and put it in the wild, and they would much rather run from you.

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
you're clearly missing the similarities i was pointing out.
if people give their monitors treats, take them on walks and such. i'd say they have a few similarities with dogs. i'm also 100% positive some monitors take to handling just fine, as long as you don't hold them excessively and stress them out.
You don't keep a monitor, however you still want to try to act like you know absolutely anything about their behavior and ability to "take to handling".

You're missing what I've been getting at the entire time- monitors are not on par with any other reptile available. If you do not have experience on them, keep your mouth shut as to not mislead people on their behavior, it makes you look silly and portrays a bad image on the varanids.
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Old 07-03-11, 01:07 PM   #49
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by Dehlida View Post
I believe you are missing some of the reasons I said what I did. I wouldn't choose the nile just for temperament for other reasons as well some of which is size related and enclosure related. Niles are a hardier species that don't require as much as V. salvator does.

I also disagree, the reputation that niles have is based heavily upon the way they act as hatchlings and bad owners. Most people I know that own adults have gotten theirs to a handleable/touchable state and have no problems interacting with a niloticus just as readily as a salvator.

Also, niloticus is not aggressive, they are defensive. You're forcing them into a small box and forcing them to interact with you, and they are behaving the only way they know- by standing their ground. Take the same niloticus and put it in the wild, and they would much rather run from you.

You don't keep a monitor, however you still want to try to act like you know absolutely anything about their behavior and ability to "take to handling".

You're missing what I've been getting at the entire time- monitors are not on par with any other reptile available. If you do not have experience on them, keep your mouth shut as to not mislead people on their behavior, it makes you look silly and portrays a bad image on the varanids.

i've known many people who keep monitors, and i believe you're just making things seem worse then they are. i half agree with your opinion that they don't love handling but I KNOW FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (which you seem to overlook constantly) that you are NOT 100% right. some animals take to contact just fine.

i never said ONE THING about their husbandry or given anyone ANY SORT of advice. all i said this ENTIRE time was that you are wrong with your blanket statement about all monitors. that is all.
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Old 07-03-11, 01:26 PM   #50
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
i've known many people who keep monitors, and i believe you're just making things seem worse then they are. i half agree with your opinion that they don't love handling but I KNOW FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (which you seem to overlook constantly) that you are NOT 100% right. some animals take to contact just fine.

i never said ONE THING about their husbandry or given anyone ANY SORT of advice. all i said this ENTIRE time was that you are wrong with your blanket statement about all monitors. that is all.
Again, you have not worked with monitors, just because your 'FRIENDS' have tame monitors that they walk on a leash doesn't mean anything at all and is irrelevant to the topic.

My blanket statement applies to most monitors, and most monitors should be kept hands off for the benefit of both parties. Period.
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Old 07-03-11, 01:45 PM   #51
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Re: nile's invade florida

agree to disagree i suppose.
my friends aren't even the one's who walk their monitors on a harness, i've seen others on the forum doing so on their properties. the reptile seemed to be absolutely loving life.
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Old 07-03-11, 01:54 PM   #52
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Re: nile's invade florida

You can read a million books but until you own a monitor you should not be debating with someone with such experience.
Words build bridges into unexplored regions.
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Old 07-03-11, 01:55 PM   #53
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Re: nile's invade florida

ok, lol. i feel if i disagree with someone i should be able to debate anything.
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Old 07-03-11, 02:00 PM   #54
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
ok, lol. i feel if i disagree with someone i should be able to debate anything.
That's like me saying I should be able to debate with a NASA engineer because I feel legos would hold up better for rocket construction.
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Old 07-03-11, 02:02 PM   #55
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Re: nile's invade florida

not at all, because my point had validity and wasn't moronic. everything within reason of course.
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Old 07-03-11, 02:46 PM   #56
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
not at all, because my point had validity and wasn't moronic. everything within reason of course.
You THINK your point is valid; however, most serious varanid keepers would agree, that your point holds the same validity as my comparison with legos.
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Old 07-03-11, 02:47 PM   #57
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Re: nile's invade florida

lol, you should be a comedian
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Old 07-03-11, 03:26 PM   #58
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Re: nile's invade florida

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
not at all, because my point had validity and wasn't moronic. everything within reason of course.
What is your point ?
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Old 07-03-11, 03:43 PM   #59
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Re: nile's invade florida

i'm over it lol. my point was you can handle your monitor occasionaly to somewhat frequently with no reprocussion if it doesn't stress hard. i was just disagreeing with his point that people may never get to handle their monitors ever, it's really not a big deal.

i guess if i've never owned a corn snake i'm not allowed to post about them, damn.
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Old 07-03-11, 04:40 PM   #60
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Re: nile's invade florida

Tea, ignore him, its not worth the hassle when he post only to get a reaction.
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