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Old 01-02-11, 10:58 AM   #46
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

a couple days warm spell here, rain and melting during the day, light freeze at night.

If only the whole winter could be this mild.
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Old 01-02-11, 12:14 PM   #47
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

It's almost really nice down here. It's in the high '40s. A bit of rain is coming down today, but since it's pretty warm out, it's not too bad. I almost can't believe it's January and this warm!
Dr. Viper
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Old 01-02-11, 02:05 PM   #48
domi adsum
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

It's cold here. Right around 15 degrees with chances of snow the next couple of days.
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 01-02-11, 06:08 PM   #49
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

I live in a lil town in southern ontario and were gettin the exact same weather as you wayne!! pretty crappy lol
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Old 01-02-11, 06:28 PM   #50
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Just checked foreast and there is a chance of snow again here for the next couple ofdays, be a nice change from the rain!
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Old 01-07-11, 06:25 PM   #51
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Low tomorrow of -12 Good time to bundle up with a beverage of choice.
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 01-08-11, 08:34 AM   #52
slainte mhath
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

snowed from 5pm onwards last night right through to 6am today

we have roughly 8 inches of powerdery snow everywhere

the good thing is it can be swept off the paths with a brush

no need for shovels as its not the frozen solid moist type of snow

although it was minus 3 last night

ive noticed most times it snows my male carpets go into breeding mode

charging about wrecking their tanks all night

statred slowly heating my diamond back up on tuesday

will heat her over a 4 week period

then offer her first food in 14 weeks

cheers shaun
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Old 01-08-11, 03:15 PM   #53
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Non stop snow storm....
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Old 01-08-11, 06:14 PM   #54
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Off and on snow....
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Old 01-08-11, 06:29 PM   #55
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Rain, rain and more bloody rain!
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Old 01-08-11, 08:28 PM   #56
domi adsum
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

-1 degree and falling. And I get to head off to work. Yay.
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 01-08-11, 08:48 PM   #57
Michael Roth
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

This was yesterday afternoon, the first of 20 cars in the ditch on the way home.
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Old 01-09-11, 08:08 AM   #58
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

One flipped right up the road from my house yesterday.. the roads were a mess.

and it's still snowing today, I'm a stocked up so we are staying right here safe and warm.
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
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Old 01-09-11, 08:27 AM   #59
slainte mhath
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

snow snow and more snow

i really hate snow

48hours non stop there's roughly 12 to 15 inches of snow everywhere and all my male carpets are driving me nuts in breeding mode

had to take all their water bowls out again last night as they play football (soccer) with them all night long

i'd swap you for your rain anytime rob (never thought i'd ever wish for rain)
cheers shaun
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Old 01-09-11, 09:24 AM   #60
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Would happily swap our rain for your snow shaun, snow is a "dry" cold rather than a "damp" cold and doesnt play my pain levels up as much as the rian does.
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