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Old 06-15-09, 08:50 PM   #46
Join Date: Jun-2009
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Re: Newbie with Brown Tree Climbers/Mop Head Iquana

Originally Posted by aaron_s View Post
i don't care to respond to your thread any longer as it is. No need for telling me i need prozac. You disregard advice when asked for it because it's not what you want to hear.

good bye aaron!
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Old 06-19-09, 11:02 AM   #47
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The Verdict: Mop Head Iquana

Heard from a zoolologist in UK. Was surprised to hear from him! He said it is fine to keep them together. In fact, that is how they are housed at the zoo.
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Old 06-21-09, 01:12 PM   #48
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Re: Newbie with Brown Tree Climbers/Mop Head Iquana

Ya but a zoo usually has a huge enclosure. if it is the size of a whole room with it's own little environment then yes go for it but im sure your enclosure is a lot smaller than what they have in a zoo.
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Old 06-23-09, 06:41 PM   #49
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Re: Newbie with Brown Tree Climbers/Mop Head Iquana

Well, the zoologist says I am fine. I described the enclosure I am moving them to, and he said that was just fine. So, now we have learned a lot about the Mop Head. They need heat and humidity like a green, but can be housed together. They primarily eat crickets. So, take the knowlege I am giving. For the good of the breed. As for this forum, well, I hope the webmaster reads this. You are not going to have a good community if you keep putting people down. Good luck to all of you.
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Old 06-23-09, 07:41 PM   #50
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Re: Newbie with Brown Tree Climbers/Mop Head Iquana

Tallen, I'm glad to hear your mop heads are doing well! They sound quite neat- you should post pictures of them and their enclosure. As for people putting you down, I honestly don't think anyone meant any harm- it's just that people who've been in the hobby a long time tend to get very passionate about herps. Why not- they're amazing, interesting little creatures. I'm sure Aaron and Jess just had the animals' best interests at heart. Don't take it personally, and just keep caring for your mops and doing your best. That being said, do take care to keep an eye on them since they are together. It might never be a problem; it might turn into one. However it turns out, best of luck with the iggys and keep us posted!
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Old 06-23-09, 11:21 PM   #51
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Re: Newbie with Brown Tree Climbers/Mop Head Iquana

Tallen, wow! they need heat and humidity and "primarily" eat crickets! what a discovery for the betterment of the "breed" (or is it species or are we talking about dogs?)! im sure with this invaluable knowledge and your vast experience keeping common reptiles that the secrets of this uncommon species will be uncovered.

nobody has put you down and you are the one simply refusing advice claiming that some kind of journey must be taken in order to fully understand this species and comment on their care.

housing specimens seperately is something many experienced reptiles keepers will recommend even with known social species. the species you have is somewhat unknown to you and the advice to seperate them is good advice. insisting that they will be fine together without much knowledge and experience with the species shows your real experience level with reptile care and is good enough reason to seperate them at least for now.

honestly at this point i, as im sure everyone else here, couldnt care less about what you do with your animals and im kinda surprised that this thread is still active. things may or may not happen and i just hope everything works out for you because i would hate for something to happen to them for whatever reason.

i hope if the webmaster reads this, the thread gets locked because its really a pointless one especially with an OP who asks for advice yet has an attitude like this.
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