Well I managed to buy probably 13-14 reptiles this year I dont know what next year has in store for me...
1.1 uroplatus fimbriatus
0.2 Pictus Geckos
Some really nice female Corns, I just real the corn snake manual bu the Love's and they've got a few ideas in my head. Possibly breeding my own Pewter snakes but starting from scratch with my Blood and finding a female for him. Amongst many others. Probably will expand to 7 or 8 more corns next year.
1.1 het piebald ball pythons
(possibly .1 piebald^)
1.0 Crested Gecko. Some extremely beautiful morph to breed with half of my females. Already have a nice stud though. So that might not happen.
Was thinking about a 1.2 Fat Tail group but thats only a slight possibility.
And other than that probably a few differant species of geckos, banded geckos, japanese leos, chinese cave, frog eyed whatever I decide, but it should be an interesting year
Setting up a small salt water fish tank
Mini Pot Bellied Pig (The women at my local pet store wants to trade me a baby from her litter in Feb. for a few Leos, and a few Cresteds for her home collection because she doesn't like getting nice morph online due to shipping)
Also hope I can get rid of my 99 Jeep Cherokee Sport that b**** sucks down more gas than all the vehicles ive ever owned put together, and it's got twice the tanks that they did too.