Thank you all for you opinions and support. I personally feel I did the right thing, I feel some people might have wanted to see the photo so I posted it, I even went as far as to post it strictly in the KINGSNAKE FORUM for kingsnakes lovers and if there were any corn lovers such as myself I did posted "I know its morbid" in the first post.
Katt Crazycorn do you keep ringneck snakes??
I do keep them but for brief periods of time, I am doing research on their native behaviors and I may keep them for up to 3 weeks but do not keep them much longer than that. I have had great luck with them this year I have found a total of 9 in a month and a half while other years I found only a couple per year, then again I have really been going out in the field and flipping, I saved 6 of them from a construction site this month and relocated them to the local population near me.