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Old 10-16-03, 07:33 PM   #46
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Currently bulking, I workout 4 days a week:

Day 1 - Arms, Chest, Calves
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Shoulders, Legs (Squats are king!)
Day 4 - Cardio
Day 5 - Back, Triceps
Day 6 - Rest
Day 7 - Repeat

My workouts take no more than an hour a day. I usually do a warmup set or 2, rest a minute and then do 5x5 OR 3x8, resting about 2 - 2 1/2 minutes inbetween sets.
Eat about 2500-3000 calories/day. 200 grams of protein/day. Lots and lots of chicken, potatoes, pasta, and eggs. Eating right is atleast half the battle!
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Old 10-16-03, 08:24 PM   #47
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i dunno if someone mentioned this but.. TECHNIQUE TECHNIQUE TECHNIQUE. the exercises dont do nething unless u use proper technique. especially on curls where the tendancy is to use your shoulders and back and momentum. i also believe in the high weight low reps. a good thing to do is negatives. where u get your max and a spotter and for example on the bench u bring it down as slowly as possible till it hits your chest then ur spotter brings it up and u repeat. also proporition is a good idea. the first yr i worked out i did nothing but bench and i reached a stopping point.. the next yr i worked biceps, triceps, shoulders and my max went up atleast 40 pounds.
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Old 10-31-03, 05:06 PM   #48
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i workout mainly bench pressing biceps/dumbells kneebends toe raises windsprints and since ive stared getting into all this working out stuff i got these cool pushup platforms i use those a lot. i have only been workin out for about 8 months but i have seen a huge improvement honestly i dont see how ppl can be fat. i just dont i wouldnt eat till i was thin if i was.
well when i started working out in 7thgrade 3rdquarter i benched 85 lbs now i can lift that up and down 25 times.

well lets keep pumpin up
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Old 10-31-03, 05:27 PM   #49
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Not eating is a horrible and highly unefficient way to lose body fat (notice i didn't say wieght) a properly executed diet plan focusing on a reduction in carbs and controlled fats combined with a regular exercise program and cardio is a zillion times more effective especailly if used with an ECA stack. Being out of shape is a choice not something that just happens.
"Only through education do we teach the ignorant that which we love is not evil but wonderous"....

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Old 10-31-03, 08:58 PM   #50
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Anyone watch Survivor last night? Not an glowing recommendation for beach muscles!! LOL! What a waste of space Osten was. A walking muscular atrophe. Useless.
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Old 01-31-04, 11:03 PM   #51
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Wow I missed this thread picking back up.

I think a lot of people have really hit the nail on the head here.

I have a few things to say about Arnold, his book was made for people doing steroids. Like he used to take. The key to steroids is use not abuse, they are not as bad as they are made out to be except for the people who abuse them. For the every day person Steroids are a BIG no. They are not an instant road to success you need to train hard and KNOW what your doing. He had doctors for this stuff and it was legal then.

There is a lot to working out and every of course is different. I've changed a lot of the things I've thought in the past few months even. Your body is marvelous, it can adapt to almost anything.
One of the big things I can say that will help most of you, don't do the same routine every week, change things up a lot.

It's ok to keep the same muscle groups on the same days for about 3-4 weeks. Thats at least what is working for me. Everyone is different. Try to never do the same workout 2 weeks in a row. There are some core exercises that should always be done, for example Bench/Squats/Deadlifts. There are more then one way to do core exercises too so even those should be changed up as often as possible, for example you can do bench with barbell or dumbells, you can do incline and decines instead of straight horizontal. Cycling is another big thing. Try to not keep a heavy cycle for more then 7 weeks. A Lot of the big guys are saying that you should have 7 week cycles of heavy work, then 7 of light work where you are concentrating on putting on mass. Recovery time is another big thing. always give legs 10 days to heal, so if you do a killer squat/deadlift routine give yourself time. Those are the biggest groups in the body and they will require the longest to heal. Don't do any other exercises on legs or back days.. Your going to over stress your body. Don't try to do legs twice a week either.

Body building is a science. You need to figure out what works for you, some people can do 2 days a week of weight lifting and see modest gains, some can do more and still see those gains.

Don't get over stressed, don't let yourself get sick, don't work out when you are sick.

Stay healthy, stay fit, eat right and enjoy life.
Snakes? I just like to teraform!

Last edited by Syst3m; 01-31-04 at 11:11 PM..
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