Linds - Houston is right on the seaboard, so the humidity there is absolutely killer. (I have a lot of friends there, and they constantly complain about the humidity). Dallas is further away and at a higher elevation, so yes, it's pretty dry there. Funny how that works, eh?
Jeff - Again, what you're talking about is simple evaporation. And yes, if the top of your cage is open, of course you're going to lose way more moisture than you will if the cage has very little in the way of air exchange. My point was this:
- Putting a light bulb over top of a tub of water is an AWESOME way of getting a constant supply of moisture into the cage. I know many people who do this, and I'm sorry Jeff, but IT WORKS. For chondros as well as BRBs, and I'm sorry Jeff, but you are not the only BRB breeder out there. I know several. They use light bulbs. They have healthy, happy BRBs.
- I currently have a tub of water in my BCI cage right under the heat lamp. Yes, a lot of the humidity is escaping, but not all of it. His substrate is actually damp to the touch. (He's shedding right now, btw).
- Regardless of how much humidity you are losing, it's a matter of replacing it. If you keep the substrate moistened, the light bulb will cause that moisture to evaporate. So you re-moisten it. Problem solved.
You are still denying science here Jeff, not explaining it. What you are talking about in your little experiment up there is a no-brainer. You're talking about draining humidity without replacing it. Well DUH! Of course the paper towel will dry out! So why don't you try this:
Cage 1 - Open screen top with light bulb shining down on moistened substrate (Aspen.)
Cage 2 - Open screen top with light bulb shining down on a tub of water with moistened substrate. (Also aspen)
You'll get about 4-5 days of constant humidity, even with the light bulb on it, as long as there is a supply of water to heat up and thus cause evaporation. Cage 1 has nothing to replace its humidity, so of course it will dry out.
You still have not convinced me that light bulbs are dangerous to snakes. Keep trying though.