Zoe, you make no sense. A savannah (Singular) would require a terrestrial cage, something around 6x3x3. plus heating, dirt etc. Quite easy to do. So being said, the savannah would run him 20$ in the US. Savannahs come with parasites, but most do fine. They are usually quite tame as well.
Now, a peachthroat, or a black tree (ive kept both) Would require an aboreal cage of the same dimensions! Except 6 high. Now you would have to supply adequate humidity, lots of climbing space, TONS Of hides and alot of patience to handle them. 99.9% come parasite riddled and wont last more then a year if not kept properly. The intitial cost of a WC monitor of this type would be easily 3x the amount of a WC savannah. Going that route, he would be better off spending even more for a CB animal. (which is still WAY more then a sav considering not many have bred either species V.Jobiensis, V. Beccari)
Iam narrowing this down to experience. Savs are an easy species to keep providing you give them lots of dirt, high temps and keep them well fed. For a beginner with time, money and dedication they are much easier to begin with then ANY aboreal Varanid species.
On a further note, Sav's arent HUGE. there are many varanids that are catagorized as HUGE and have much nastier tempers. every savannah I have or have HAD has just been nasty in food response, which is completely normal and healthy. You'll be lucky if your peachie will even take food from you, none the less show a sign of sickness before it dies. And we all know signs of sickness aren't the easiest things to find when you are a newcomer to the herp world.