There are SOOOO many variables!!!
I mean one could feed high protien high fat mice to a snake on a meager schedual, while heating him minimum.....he be a fat snake although not "overfed"
Someone else might feed rodents better suited nutrionally to a snake, have high heating and feed every 3 days and have a fat snake.
Or two people could be doing both those things above and have slim snakes.
I think there are too many factors for anyone to say what schedual any snake should be on. All of them are slightly individuals, get different quality feeder mice, have different heat gradients, etc.
That's why personally I just use the animal to tell me when it wants to eat. I know that they can be gluttons though, (corns big time!!) So I feed one prey item. If the snake is hungry enough every 5 days, so be it. But like I mentioned before, some go for two weeks. Even once three weeks before I saw enough activity to feel he was hungry enough. If the snake is getting a "fat" look then I hold off even more days after I notice activity.
I keep a gradient for my corns at 90 warm side - room temp (around 70 here) and they use all sides. Nothing better than allowing them to choose what temp they want and not limit them to the normal room temp - 82 gradient, IMHO