Originally Posted by StudentoReptile
The only way CBB will dominate over WC is if there is a morph, or mutation found. Until then, MHS will always remain WC. Wait until someone finds a fire-engine red or albino MHD...that may chagne things.
This. Until something makes them more pricey, cheap WC animals will remain cheap WC animals. You will get a few babies from enthusiasts, but nothing large scale. Look at Savannah Monitors. They cost importers less than $10 each to import. The simple fact is that it costs a LOT to raise up and breed cheap animals like that, and you get very little money from it. Certainly not enough to make up for how much you lose. Therefore they are only bred by people who like them and want more than one anyways. Large scale breeding will not happen unless it is profitable. Tree monitors are expensive and smaller, and they are being bred increasingly more frequently, because there is money. A CBB tree monitor may cost over $1000, whereas a CBB sav will cost around fifty dollars. See the difference?