Originally Posted by Sorraia
Whether or not YOU think it is worthwhile is irrelevant, because you are not the one doing the work. Hope you don't feel the same way about any other pets you have...
Originally Posted by Aaron_S
Do you normally go through extra work to get the same job done? Do you do dishes by hand or with a dishwasher if it's available? No! That's foolish and a longer way to get the same result. Waste of time. That I could be spending doing other things for my pets.
Originally Posted by Gungirl
Aaron gave you a method that will work well. You are being a block head.. stop taking offence to what he is saying and reread his other post. Using nix will not harm or kill the rats but simply take care of the mites..
I see where *my* mistake and misunderstanding is coming from now. After reading a comment (NOT from Aaron) about killing rats, I misunderstood what "nix" meant. After re-reading (I did read the whole thread before replying the first time), I see where the mistake and misunderstanding happened. I personally am not familiar with the product "Nix", so seeing that after the comments about killing the rats didn't translate well in my head. So for that I apologize for any offense I've caused. Hand shake?
All of that out of the way, if the product "Nix" can be used on rats, then sounds like it will be easier than going through the other process of dosing individual animals, freezing or microwaving bedding, and bathing.