Originally Posted by CDN_Blood
Quite frankly, sucking on some paint chips is preferable to seeing this type of garbage in a respectable forum.
This entire thread should be trashed and the OP should be banned if you ask me. It does absolutely nothing to encourage intelligent, healthy or even sensible debate. It's simply trash and it's enough to drive valuable, ethical and helpful participants away by it's very existance.
I'm going to have to disagree with this as well.
While I concur that the OP's posts are, at best, a little elementary, grammatically-challenged and based on some mere ignorance, and at worst, he could very well be a troll, I think the thread has opened up some intelligent discussion. Some new things have been brought to light, and not everyone feels the same way about hybrids as you do.
If this is just simply because you think the OP is nothing but a troll, then so be it. I don't think its entirely definitive at this point, so maybe you should just avoid the thread altogether if you do not like what you are seeing. Complain to a mod if you feel strongly enough about it.
If this is just because you don't like hybrids, then, that is
YOUR opinion which you are entitled to. You are welcome to voice it, but I don't think your opinion warrants the entire deletion of a thread just because of your stance on this particular topic. Once again, if you don't like what you're seeing, perhaps you should avoid this thread altogether to save yourself some apparent stress.