Originally Posted by Gungirl
this sums up how im feeling very nicely
But on a happier note, my parents both agree I deserve another sav. They thought I wouldnt be able to handle or care for a big animal properly. I proved them wrong 2 times now, and a third is growing LOL
so I have earned it they say
The plan is, I'm going to buy a hatchling and QT him/her for 30 days. in that time I plan to do a fecal for parasites and take it from there.
I already have all the heat lamps and bulbs, all I need is a sterilite tub (im thinking at least 20 inches long, 8 - 12 inches wide and 5 - 7 inches tall), The dirt substrate (my backyard) and a hide or two and two thermometers.
with the sav thats only like 80 bucks (roughly)
so we'll see how that turns out. I would love to have another chance at monitors, this time with one I raise properly and KNOW its not been abused or neglected previously.
That would be amazing.. I'm really hoping it happens.
Thanks again everybody, I really appreciate all the support