Originally Posted by infernalis
This folks is a perfect example of why it is frowned upon to offer advice to people with PM messages! Imagine if this conversation was not open to "public scrutinizing by the community" the original poster could have very well been given bad info by anyone including mykee or myself!
Read this whole thread, we all had a snake owner with a perfectly normal animal worried about something that happens every day.
all i can say on the above is if someones offering advice via pm they should be 100% on the advice they are giving if they have not dealt with the problem hands on themselves or are unsure in any way then advice should NOT be given out
i have personally helped a few folk out via pm and i'm happy to say all the snakes made a complete recovery
the last snake i helped was a guy who got a mite cure off the net
the cure was to lock his jungle in a tub a third full of olive oil and water for 3 weeks (do not use this method)
needless to say the snake was riddled with water blisters and stressed to the max after following an alternative cure for the blisters the snake made full recovery and went on to breed this year.
so imo there is a place for help via pm
then that help can be shared with the public after the health issue of the snake in question has been resolved
i think this thread prooves a picture is worth a thousand words
cheers shaun