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Old 03-17-11, 10:15 AM   #31
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Re: Floodwater rising...even worse now..**@@%%

just an idea infer, but why cant you dig drainage ditches with gravel in them
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Old 03-17-11, 11:33 AM   #32
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Re: Floodwater rising...even worse now..**@@%%

Originally Posted by ilovemypets1988 View Post
just an idea infer, but why cant you dig drainage ditches with gravel in them

If the whole water table is rising then ditches arent gonna help.

Glad it is subsiding now Wayne - fingers crossed that this is the end of it for you. Just think of that nice new house oyu will have soon in the woods!!
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Old 03-17-11, 01:06 PM   #33
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Re: Floodwater rising...even worse now..**@@%%

It sounds like you are living in Paradise--except for the water, of course. Have you ever thought of putting your home on stilts??
I hope things settle down soon and you get some rest!
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Old 03-17-11, 01:37 PM   #34
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Re: Floodwater rising...even worse now..**@@%%

It seems to fluctuate up and down, at least it's daylight and I can fiddle around easier.
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Old 03-17-11, 04:18 PM   #35
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Re: Floodwater rising...even worse now..**@@%%

sounds like you live in a much larger version of my last place.
Glad you can rest now and you can see.
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Old 03-17-11, 05:44 PM   #36
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Re: Floodwater rising...even worse now..**@@%%

Eureka! found the formula, Huge hose = Huge volume

I forget the exact math, but if you double the size of a hose it can flow 5 times the volume. I replaced the 2 inch hose with one of those big hoses that fire departments use to connect the truck to the hydrant and chaka boom! it started pulling it down so fast I had to shut the other pump off.

One of my neighbours up the street just told me they have 4 feet of water in their basement, his breaker panel, hot water tank and furnace are all under water, they have no electricity or any other utilities right now

So my situation is nothing compared to theirs.
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Old 03-17-11, 06:34 PM   #37
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Glad to hear you have it as under control as you can ever get mother nature!
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Old 03-17-11, 06:58 PM   #38
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Glad to hear you have figured it out mate and that your stuff is alright. With a pump like the electric one you would easily be able to run a 4" line. Its only when you have small pumps that you run into trouble trying to get the flow out of them when going bigger lines.
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Old 03-17-11, 06:59 PM   #39
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Thanks Rob, Looking so forward to sleeping tonight.

Sounds like waterfalls in the basement, but I will take that over destroyed belongings any day.
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Old 03-17-11, 07:11 PM   #40
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Congrats, Wayne, for figuring things out. Have a GREAT sleep!
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Old 03-17-11, 07:17 PM   #41
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Originally Posted by a-vdberg View Post
Congrats, Wayne, for figuring things out. Have a GREAT sleep!


And thanks for e-bay, I got a whole truck load of fire hoses a couple years ago for $75. and another time I got enough metal hardware and fittings to equip a fire department for $45
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Old 03-18-11, 03:46 AM   #42
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Yey! glad everything's under control now~

And wow, sounds like paradise but lord have mercy if anyone ever needed to get to a hospital like -REALLY- quickly around there :c That'd be my only concern being in such a location besides the water problem.
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Old 03-18-11, 04:18 AM   #43
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

Originally Posted by Sapphyr View Post
Yey! glad everything's under control now~

And wow, sounds like paradise but lord have mercy if anyone ever needed to get to a hospital like -REALLY- quickly around there :c That'd be my only concern being in such a location besides the water problem.
The helicopter has landed in my back yard twice.
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Old 03-20-11, 10:38 PM   #44
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

A better lit clip, look at the sheer volume moving here, then imagine how bad it would be if that pump stopped. note there is two big pipes dumping into that basin. I can stand on that hose and it supports me, it's rock hard.

I can't hear the motor hum upstairs, but that waterfall sound is quite loud, I can hear it upstairs and out front in the yard.

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Old 03-20-11, 10:51 PM   #45
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Re: Floodwater rising...solved the puzzle!

lol jeeze. it's supposed to rain for the next week straight here and we're alwready having flood warnings. i don't expect it to get very bad though.
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