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Old 12-19-10, 07:41 PM   #31
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

You have a lovely place there Febo.
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Old 12-19-10, 07:50 PM   #32
slainte mhath
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

snowed most of today and some more tonight

its no where near as bad as last week,its more of a powdery snow

last week was the kind of snow thats great for making snowballs.sticks together easier harder to get the car through though.....!!!

minus eight tonight

cheers shaun
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Old 12-20-10, 03:55 AM   #33
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Looking out the window it is snowing again here, looks like it is settling on top of the previous fall that is now frozen so driving should be good fun later!!
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Old 12-20-10, 03:57 AM   #34
domi adsum
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

12 degrees with a 100% chance of snow today. Yee Haw!
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 12-20-10, 04:01 AM   #35
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

I'm not keen on winter driving at all. Guess I'm getting old, but driving in the winter when living in remote areas scares me.
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Old 12-20-10, 04:23 AM   #36
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Cheers Wayne Yeah I put a thermometer out last night and left it for an hour. When I checked it it said - 7.8 ! I`m dressed in full body thermals and my astro suit at the moment because my workshop is just crazy cold. I had to refil my quenching bowl yesterday because it froze....
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Old 12-20-10, 07:54 AM   #37
slainte mhath
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
I'm not keen on winter driving at all. Guess I'm getting old, but driving in the winter when living in remote areas scares me.

although i'm not in a remote area wayne i still have a policy of the car only being used for essential journeys

if for no other reason rthan the snow and ice knocks bits out of your car

i can only imagine what it would be like being miles from anywhere getting stuck or going off the road

hows the creek levels at your place now mate ?

cheers shaun
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Old 12-20-10, 08:59 AM   #38
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

i quite enjoy the challenge of driving in the snow and ice - the difference being i am in a town so should the worst happen there is help readily available. I certainly wouldnt be driving around in the countryside miles from anywhere in the snow and ice!
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Old 12-20-10, 11:51 AM   #39
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

I love winter driving i just hate all the stupid people who forget how to drive in it.
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Old 12-20-10, 01:36 PM   #40
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Originally Posted by shaunyboy View Post
although i'm not in a remote area wayne i still have a policy of the car only being used for essential journeys

if for no other reason rthan the snow and ice knocks bits out of your car

i can only imagine what it would be like being miles from anywhere getting stuck or going off the road

Out here a woman died a couple years ago when her car slid off the road and went up into a big pipe. No one noticed she was there until the next day.

Sliding off the road into a patch of woods (too many trees) out here is something we all have done at least once, hitting the windscreen with my face was no fun... and the clincher was the double 360 I spun at highway speeds, miraculously I ended up in my own lane still going forward and straight long enough to pull over and regroup. (that was scary!)

I stay off the roads when they get slick. We keep everything well stocked in the winter so if I get stuck at home for a week or so there is plenty here to keep going.

hows the creek levels at your place now mate ?

cheers shaun

The creek receded and is now mostly frozen.

The crew pulled out, to harsh to work.

Resuming excavating in the spring.

The timber operation is over, have a lot of new roads and slightly thinner woods, and Jim is going to return in the spring with just his bulldozer and spend a couple days fixing up the ruts and digging out the pond.
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Old 12-20-10, 02:15 PM   #41
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
Absolutely stunning picture Wayne!

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
I'm not keen on winter driving at all. Guess I'm getting old, but driving in the winter when living in remote areas scares me.
I too agree with this; I learned how to drive in terribly harsh winter conditions including black ice, whiteouts, and ice storms for the entire duration of the winter. While I do feel secure behind the wheel, I do not enjoy it (partly because of what you said Chuck--many people suck at driving in the snow!). When I was younger, my Dad lived an hour from civilization, meaning it took nearly 2 hours to get home in the winter. You might see another car once in a day, if you were lucky. As you said Wayne, it is scary driving in isolated areas during the winter.

Now that I live in more of a metropolitan area, I am certainly more confident venturing out in the snow, but avoid it because NOBODY can drive in the snow in Seattle! We had a pretty gnarly storm a couple weeks back and I stayed at home for 3 days straight!
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Old 12-20-10, 03:42 PM   #42
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

23 degrees and so far 3" of fresh powdery snow, and it's still falling.

I don't mind driving in the snow, it's the ice that is a pain. Not too mention, as stated above too many people forget what they are doing when driving in the weather. IMO they should stay home as they make conditions worse for everybody.
Thanks for reading, Greg

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Old 01-02-11, 02:05 AM   #43
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Really cold with clear sky's it's been raining for months straight but thats seattle weather for yah God i miss nyc weather </3
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Old 01-02-11, 04:27 AM   #44
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Brr cold lol
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Old 01-02-11, 04:38 AM   #45
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Re: What's The weather like in your part of the world today?

Well i will give you all a wave from warm sunny Australia. I spent a few days up at the gold coast which was terrible as its extreme floods up there. Last i heard before flying home was a few of the towns we drove through on the way up( drove up there but left early on a plane due to a friends untimely death ) were basically under water.
Been home for a few days and been enjoying 33-38 degrees celcius ( 91-96 ). I fly out to work in a underground gold mine on tuesday where they have been averaging 48-52 degrees celcius ( 118-125 ) which will be fun to work in!!! I will be spending nearly 4 weeks there which should be enough to strip the xmas weight and then some lol.
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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