Re: 38 gallon ok for a JCP?
Tyler, very glad to hear you are taking what we all have to say here to heart. I really didn't need to add anything, as Mark gives clean, clear thorough advice. I have a big old carpet of unknown lineage that was sold to me as a "jungle" but is most likely a cross of some sort. He is 7.5 feet long and, like Marvelfreak's female, has his on and off feed periods of the year. I feed all my snakes every two weeks. Carpets should always be offered something that is the thickness of the snake's thickest portion, or slightly more. Carpets can handle a heck of a large meal, but it's best not to overdo it. My big guy eats large rats, my 2-year-old male eats small rats, and my 3- and 4-year old females eat medium rats. Also you should make sure to get your JCP eating f/t rats ASAP. Carpets can get "addicted" to mice and then it's very hard to switch them over to rats when they get to a size where it takes 4-5 mice to fill them up.
Dr. Viper