This has gone beyond useful discussion and advice, thread is closed. Attacks aren't allowed here. You can give advice without degrading anyone. And yes, we all make mistakes, none of us is perfect. If you haven't made any yet, it's just a matter of time.
Certain people posting here have gone overboard as far as the TOS go. Please take a moment to read and understand the General Forum Rules at
General Discussion Forums Rules: Read First!
Ignorance is no excuse! Failure to make an effort to understand and adhere to the rules
will result in a ban. A maximum of 3 strikes will be tolerated (3 for minor offenses, as little
as 1 for more severe).
No abusive/threatening/disrespectful language towards to moderators (we are just doing our job),
or other members.
I suggest all you flame-throwers sit back and re-think any future posts before you type a word.