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Old 01-25-05, 03:41 PM   #31
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So far everyones made pretty goood points, and like BAZ said people have been doing for years with birds, dogs and cats. Which is the same as doing it with wild animals. But gets me the most is that some of these animals are becoming extinct. So why would you want to screw around with it. Why dont they just breed a tiger wit a tiger to increase the population, before they screw around and make ligors or whatever.
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Old 01-25-05, 08:22 PM   #32
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Originally posted by ravensgait
Lioness, You couldn't get more of an outcross then that!!!!! and beside inbreeding isn't such a bad thing, it happens all the time in nature. Cross breeding often produces mules but other then that the animals are usually very very healthy. Out crosses or cross breeding is often done to help fix genetic problems in a breed. The only thing inbreeding can do is bring out faults that are already there. In itself it does not create any genetic problems.

Do you know for a fact the lioness was drugged? Animals will find a way, I once saw a tinny little mut of about 8 pounds breed a Great Dane. As they say if there's a will there is a way.

For the life of me I can't understand why you have a problem with cross breeding it happens all the time through mans intervention or in nature . Be interesting to know what kind of animals you've owned.

if u read that site..u'll understand where im coming from.. alot of those animals are born with physical disabilities..such as in this picture

notice how his hind legs are so much thinner and MAY BE weaker than his fore legs..this can cause many problems throughout the animals life..such as hip injuries. point isnt completely against inbreeding..i just dont agree with it being done captivity. They arent doing this to preserve a species of any kind..they are doing it for they're selfis desires. and yes..i do agree that it has been done for years..but i dont think that makes it ok. if its been done with no negative effects to the animal or the offspring..then thats another thing. BUT if it does cause harm to the animals..then its plain wrong. SOME of these animals live only a short time..and they dont live a happy healthy life.
and yes..reportedly that lioness was sedated..u can see how lifeless she seems in those pictures. also..lionesses dont mate lying on their sides limp and lifeless..they lay, face forward for the most the lion would then mount her.

as for what animals i've owned..i honestly dont think that is relevant.

i have said before..and will say again..TO ALL THEIR OWN.
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Old 01-26-05, 06:31 PM   #33
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the womans name was tippy and the movie was roar
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