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Old 12-01-04, 12:50 PM   #31
Join Date: Aug-2004
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WOW!You guys actually squeez the pinks head till it caves in?Thats sick.
1.1 normal bci's 1.1 100%het albino 1.0 beardeds 0.0.4 crested geckos
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Old 12-01-04, 02:22 PM   #32
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Is it just me or do we seem to be referring to euthanizing healthy animals that are fully aware of what's going on? If I ever considered euthanizing any of my pets they would have to be near death or no chance of survival. If it was an old dog or something I would probably just want to be with him till his eyes closed. If the dog was bleeding severely then I would get him euthanized. But that's only because he won't fit in the freezer! jk... It's actually only because they have feelings, they know when your down or up and respond to your body actions, it's amazing. But a reptile, I wouldn't hesitate to cool down and eventually freeze. Like I said, I would only have to consider this option if they had to go, and when something is going to die and there is no way around it how bad could freezing possibly be? Call be a cold hearted whatever, but I've heard of people, animals and other creatures having their lives ended in a less humane way then freezing. And as for the blood freezing inside reptiles and causing pain, I wouldn't buy that for one minute. My hands get frozen in the winter to the point where I could slam them against a wall and feeling very little pain, my blood obviously didn't freeze. I think the reptile would no longer feel anything or would no longer be consious. Let's flip the boat around, now, dosing the think with gaslone and striking a match for a reptile, that would be pretty brutal, but still, don't reptiles burn themselves all the time and not show any responses besides physical harm? What about the crickets that we feed to our geckos who get their leg crushed in a mouth, then the next leg, oh oh then he loses both, oh now his abdomen is being squished repeatedly, and finally the head, there we go, swallow. Should we be cutting of their heads first?

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Old 12-01-04, 04:05 PM   #33
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With everyone being so worried that the feeder animals receive a humane death, maybe we should stop using them.

"Crickets are nothing but crunchy and squirt."
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Old 12-01-04, 04:11 PM   #34
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"With everyone being so worried that the feeder animals receive a humane death, maybe we should stop using them"

Well since feeding snakes lettuce isn't an option, I don't see anything wrong with trying to give the feeder mice or rats the best possible death without pain or suffering.

With that said, I don't worry about it too much. We simply whack rats and mice over the head for an instant kill... or use Co2.

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Old 12-01-04, 04:18 PM   #35
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I don't see anything wrong with a humane death either, it's just that everyone is going to look at this differently.

Snakes probably don't eat lettuce, but do they eat F/T animals in the wild? Probably not.

We're all still good people, though.

"Crickets are nothing but crunchy and squirt."
0.0.1 V. exanthematicus,
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Old 12-01-04, 07:18 PM   #36
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Did anyone actually read the initial post? The thread wasn't initiated about feeder animals, although it's a closely related discussion... it was about appropriate euthanasia methods for HERPS. While it wasn't specified, I believe that it was kind of assumed a reasonable justification for the euthanasia would be present to begin with and was really a question of methodology. Not "is it right or wrong" but "is it right or wrong when performed this way"
-Seamus Haley
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Old 12-01-04, 07:32 PM   #37
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nice to see that so many people have differing thoughts on a potentially "touchy" situation....

Euthanasia was not the origional discussion...the method used was.....

Seeing how humane euthanasia by injection can be.....i cant fathom putting an animal in the freezer...

the best drugs avail are controlled drugs and cannot be dispensed...not everyone can set up a CO2 chamber either..

All i ask is that you at least consult a veterinarian before attempting an "at home" euthansia...

most vets will offer the servicxe for you at a reasonable rate (some for free sometimes)...

arent our pets worth it?

IF your pet is "just a number" then why are you in the hobby for the right reason???
Dr. D. Auger DVM
c/o Blair Animal Hospital
849 Shefford Rd
Ottawa Ont. Canada
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Old 12-01-04, 09:03 PM   #38
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When euthanizing an animal... any animal... I choose the method which is most convenient for me.
To M_surinamensis:

You don't deserve to keep animals of any sort...I would make this a lot more critical if I could
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Old 12-01-04, 09:58 PM   #39
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To M_surinamensis:

You don't deserve to keep animals of any sort...I would make this a lot more critical if I could
By all means feel free... but read the entire post and linked thread before doing so and be prepared to get called on the validity of your criticisms and have a semi-abusive crash course education in why it's not smart to question anything Seamus says.
-Seamus Haley
"Genes, Like Leibnitz's monads, have no windows; the higher properties of life are emergent... And once assembled, organisms have no windows." - Edward Wilson, Sociobiology

Last edited by M_surinamensis; 12-01-04 at 10:01 PM..
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Old 12-03-04, 01:41 AM   #40
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Firsty, I'm not juvenile enough to respond to a thread without reading the entire thing, and I stand by my past statement.

And secondly, you're making yourself out to be a pretty righteous guy, and if you think provoking pathetic little confrontations makes you a big, important man you're in need of a serious reality check.
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