Originally posted by hhw
Forgive me if I'm misinformed, as I'm not sure if this pertains to ball pythons or other boids as well, but equatorial climates have wet/dry seasons rather than spring/summer/fall/winter. I'm not sure about Africa, but I'm guessing that like Southeast Asia there's a wet season from November to February. Despite longer days, the temperatures are still cooler during this period than at other times of the year.
You are correct in that there is a wet/dry season near the equator, rather than summer winter, but incorrect in assuming that the wet season is the cool time of year in which snakes would be brumating. Some southern hemisphere reptiles do nest during the dry season (freshwater crocodiles in Australia spring to mind) but most do their breeding in the wet season, when it is hot and humid. If any have a period of rest, it is aestivation during the dry season.
Getting back to the original post I was referring to, in which carpet pythons and womas were mentioned, most of these would experience summer/winter in the wild rather than wet/dry tropics, anyway. Womas are found mostly in desert areas and carpet pythons range quite far south in Australia.