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Old 08-30-04, 06:51 PM   #31
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ok time for a bit of education here on pitties,

first off, this dog was orginally designed for bear baiting! you got it people to hunt bears, and after a law that was passed in britain to ban hunting of bears, people turned to pit fights, putting one pitty against another, and im sorry these dogs were not bred for aggression, they were bred for their endurance, their "gameness" for those of you whom don't understand it's their ability to keep going in a fight, regardless of the fact they may be mortally wounded (ie. internal organs dragging behind them). Now in regards to their aggression...this is nonsence these dogs were selectively bred so that agression would NOT be a problem. to prove this point, during pit fights if the opposite owner couldn't handle the others pittbull, it was immediately put down, and the same goes for breeding, if say a male pitty bit their owner, or anyone else, it, along with all of its pups were also immediately destroyed. (keep in mind this type of selective breeding stopped about 30 years ago) the problem with the breed today is these "backyard breeders" who think it's cool to have a "tuff" dog. and anyone who labels this breed as agressive...well your about as well informed as a kindergarten kid, go do the research on this breeds history, cause to date their isn't a breed out their that can claim the title of "loyal till death" like the American PittBull Terrier can...

sorry if i came off rude to anyone, im just sick and tired of this breed being bashed, do the research before you judge!

"Proud Owner Of A PureBred "Game" American PitBull Terrier"

"Death Is Not The Greatest Loss In Life, The Greatest Loss In Life, Is What Dies Inside Us While We Still Live"

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Last edited by Kimo; 08-30-04 at 07:01 PM..
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Old 08-30-04, 07:12 PM   #32
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My stats on that came from the same thing matt posted. The website is one he showed me awhile ago and it was REALLY interesting.

I have almost the opposite problem with my dog. Because people refuse to get in their heads that all dogs, regardless of size or looks CAN bite....they often approach my small Jack Russell without even asking. She is friendly, but on a whole the breed is excitable, extremely loyal and sometimes over protective, big dog in little body syndrom, and she can nip because of this at times. I don't feel safe with young children running and screaming near here, or being rough, or even approaching her without asking. But because I have a small breed, people do it ALL the time!

It's sad really. People generalize to both extremes, constantly.

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Old 08-30-04, 07:43 PM   #33
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you are right people do not think that small dogs bite and that is the problem. I love my pit and rotti and do trust my kids around them and they have always proven me right,they are amasing with the kids and even with my kittens(go figure) i think people should reaaly llok at the situation before judging. pits and rottis are the best around kids because i find them very talerante and loving. I love all dogs big or small but hate when people say that small dogs are not mean and dont bite and again when my daughter was bit the humane socity did nothing becuase it was a small dog and a small bite.
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Old 08-30-04, 07:58 PM   #34
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CamHanna how have you been bit by so many dogs. Do you run around with steaks taped to your body? No seriously? Have you had any bad wounds? I'm 22 and yet to bitten once and I doubt I ever will.
Kimo, intresting info. Bear baiting isn't the same as a hunting dog "treeing" a bear though. Its a bunch of dogs attacking a bear thats restrained for entertainment purposes.
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Old 08-30-04, 08:02 PM   #35
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Well this is a good topic, cant pass it up. I myself have never dealt with a pit bull, but i would have too say that ANY animal can turn mean , and it is normally the fault of the owner in some way. Pit Bulls were breed too be strong and potently dangerous dogs, But MANY breeds were.
Pit bulls just happen too be the one that has made the news. And once something like that starts the press will elaborate. Any other dog attacks wouldn’t make the news ,but when the media puts " Pit Bull attack" they catch peoples interest. Because they have drawn a picture of a monstrous animal.

It is no different then man eating anacondas , or the horribly dangerous sharks. the media hypes it up to sound horrible because most people wont take the time too look for the facts. If it sounds and looks dangerous it makes the news over and over.

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Old 08-30-04, 08:15 PM   #36
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i didnt read much of the post of what ppl said just cuz i am too damn lazy..
anyways i think its crap to ban a breed.. kill BSL...
you cant ban one breed and let another one wander around... if you ban one dog.. you ban them all... sure american pit bull terriers have a bad rap... sure their blood line and purpose of being around has been distorted... if you buy from a crap breeder... bad those people.. dont support them.. with their fighting pits and guard dog pits.. american pit bull terrier were never meant to attack ppl.. old standards claim that any american pit bull terrier that has bitten a human was instantly put down and was to not have that bred into the blood line... show dog pits are excellent dogs as their instinct to fight has been distorted so they arent aggressive and can be entered in show... amstaffs and staffy bulls are pit bulls (pit bull being a group of a breed of dogs... pit bull also refering to fighting dog.. as the correct term for the breed is american pit bull terrier.. cuz any dog can be a 'pit bull' if you toss it into a ring.. both are just bait dogs.. and no i am not for fighting dogs.. i am very well against it) as well.. just more mellow and not used as fighting dogs.. and i dont know where i am going here.. anyways... labs and retrievers attack more humans than american pit bull terriers do... people just dont want to hear about americans best family pet ( being a lab and retriever) attacking people.. so they claim that monster attack is an american pit bull terrier when they arent always american pit bull terrier.. or rotts.. or dobermans.. or german shepherds.. etc... its just a big media hype... we all need a nightmare and monster terrorizing the news.. i have heard of labs almost killing ppl out here and they dont make the news.. a pit looks at someone the wrong way.. front page... the alaskan malamute is responsible for the most human deaths yearly.. and a chihuahua is more prone to attack a human than an american pit bull terrier is.. so yes.. i think banning a breed is crap.. cuz it gets you nowhere but a mob of angry pit lovers trying to save the breed and give it a good name as best as they can.. its just the few bad ones.. or mistakes that set us back 20 steps for every step we get ahead... ok i hope this made sense.. cuz i dont want to read it back myself.. hahaha..
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Old 08-30-04, 08:18 PM   #37
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I think everyones opinion here is good. I just wish people would stop the madness. Just because a dog was once breed for something does not mean that the dogs are still going to be like that. It is all in the breeding and the owners,the dog only learns what it is tought just like a kid. thats what i think anyway. but if you have a bad breeder then that could be the reason to.
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Old 08-30-04, 08:27 PM   #38
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in the case of apbt's.. its not just what they are taught... there are generations of breeding that have planted the instinct in them to fight... you may have a great puppy... very socialable with other dogs.. once it matures at 3-4 yrs old.. its instincts to fight might kick in then you have a dog that cant be socialized... dont get me wrong... i love apbts.. im pro-apbts... but... it is the ugly truth about them... most dogs have an ugly truth about the breed... socialization is the best thing an apbt can get... as it may not have the instincts kick or it may just be so used to socializing.. it wont want to fight... but as with any dogs.. apbts especially.... they should always be monitored no matter what.. if they are playing with other dogs.. even if they are the most well behaved dogs.. cuz something could case'em to take the rough play one step farther even if its not intended too.. . but all precautions and safe play should be placed on all dogs.. just not all dogs are instinctivly bred to kill another dogs... and have the strength at that.. remember the pit bull group is the only breed with weight pull competitions.. and those little 45 lb pit bulls do pull well over 2000lbs.. and other breeds cant..
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Old 08-30-04, 08:31 PM   #39
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I stand corrected, myths abound.

I do honestly believe my dog (pic above)would protect my wife at all costs. So would my other which is some other sort of mutt also, funny thing is the shar-pei cost me ALOT of money. I had the tattoo of the word sucker removed shortly thereafter. LOL

Well, interesting topic either way. Nice to see some restraint with such a volatile subject.

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Old 08-30-04, 08:38 PM   #40
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I agree but having said that if you dont teach then to be mean then the instince is not as strong but i know that that is not anyways true either(i know i just fight with myself) but any dog can turn at any time for any reason but i still trust my dogs and if they ever bite anyone i would not have them. all dogs big or small can bite or kill. in the wild they live in packs and fight that way and kill that way so yes they all have that in them. but again i still trust my dogs with my kids more then i trust some people with them. my rotti has proven herself in my family as she has saved my sons life twice, and the first time she was only about 5 months old and with us for maybe 2 months,she is and will always be my baby girl and to this day i say without her my son would(no joke) be died. and no small dog would have been able to do what she did that day.LOL.
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Old 08-30-04, 09:34 PM   #41
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Being the owner of a Bandogge( Pitt X ) myself I am very much pro-Pitt or other Bull breeds. Yes Pitts were bred to be dog aggressive with high prey drive and that can't be helped, some dogs with proper socialization do become good with other animals, others just don't. I am lucky that my pup was well socialized and is good with not only other dogs but also my 10 week old kitten that sleeps curled up under his chin most of the time.

I have an interesting fact about their aggressiveness towards humans........this is directly from a friend who trains police dogs........Pittbulls are very very rarely if ever used as police dogs because of their reluctance to bite people. A dog that refuses to take down a suspect when needed is useless to the police force. This comes directly from a professional who has tried this in the field many times and has found Pittbulls to be too friendly towards humans to be of any use to the police. Pittbulls being used as search and rescue dogs or drug detection dogs are much more common as they are very intelligent and eager to please their masters.

"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.

Last edited by Ryan23; 08-30-04 at 09:38 PM..
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Old 08-30-04, 09:55 PM   #42
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ryan.. that is correct.. ive heard that before.. forgot to make mention... the way to train a pit bull to become a guard dog is to lock it up in a basement for 1 -2 yrs without seeing anyone but you... it knows nothing.. and those how it becomes aggressive.. its just poor socialization.. they do get spooked easily...
but what do i know.. haha.. not much
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Old 08-30-04, 09:58 PM   #43
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Originally posted by V.hb
btw linds, i think its quite difficult to label a lab as being more prone to bite than a pit. Think about it, people buy labs for kids, kids do stupid things to dogs and get bit, nothing to do with the temperment of the dog, its called driving the dog mad. Once again, the owner isnt taking proper precautions..
I never said a lab was more prone to bite than a pit, I said the breed alone is likely to be responsible for a larger number of bites (not necessarily reported). There are probably more labs in the general population since they are labelled a 'family dog', and yes, kids are always pulling tails and doing things to provoke them. I also said I believe that a lower percentage of lab bites would be reported than pits, due to the severity of the bite, as well as their unfortunate reputation.
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Old 08-30-04, 10:30 PM   #44
beth wallbank
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these are two of my babies...........pitt x neo and pure pit...
These two have been raised with children and tiny kittens. I know that if someone were ever to come into my home unexpected, they would never come out un scaved. Friends of ours can come and go as pleased. It truly is the owner that relects the dogs temperment. You mess with ANY dog regardless of breed or size, you are creating a ticking time bomb.

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Old 08-31-04, 12:08 AM   #45
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being bit while riding a bike is a huge sign of a lack of exposure and socialization for a dog.....dogs need to be exposed to as many things as possible at a very early age so they learn not to fear anything because fear is the cause of most bites. My pup can be walking down a sidewalk and have people on bikes, a bus, a motorcycle or anything go right by him without even looking up.

Any dog that is trained and socialized properly from an early age and doesn't have questionable genetics(unstable parents or from puppy mills) and is cared for properly will be a good dog regardless of breed. The responsibility falls 100% on the shoulders of the owner in all cases, whether it is people mistreating their dogs or simply not understanding the nature of a breed like the Pitbull and their special requirements. A dog that is proven to be aggressive to dogs can still be a good pet as long as steps are taken to control its situation at all times. A dog that is aggressive to humans has usually been programed that way in one way or another and although it's sad dogs like that can't be allowed to have the opportunity to harm people. On the other hand the owners of such dogs shouldn't be allowed to put both other dogs or other people into those situations ever again and that is what's missing from most of these cases of dog attacks.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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