Wow, I should read the turtle forum more often!
Hey Marisa, the only flaw in your plan is that you won't be able to make a fortune selling into the US market due to the 4" law:-)
Hard to imagine people still think that animals just grow to the size of an enclosure and then magically stop...
As for the original question, there are various small-sized (even med. sized) turtles out there that would do fine in a 90 gallon tank. However, being in Toronto, you won't have access to many of them since they can't be imported into Canada for resale. Your most likely options are a male RES or a male Mississippi map. Both are available and should stay relatively small. I'd suggest you adopt one, as there are tons out there. That way, you'd know you're getting a male. If you buy a hatchling, you're just hoping...
Also, make a platform rather than piling up rocks. You can put it higher, no risk of collapse, and the turtle can still swim in the space under the platform.
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!