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Old 08-04-03, 03:35 PM   #31
Join Date: Mar-2003
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Favelle, I buy my "mini baby bowls" from a local company called Caps & Plugs. They might have a web site and an office out west, but I'm not sure.
I'm pretty sure they would ship to you on a credit card
I use model E-20, as it fits nicely in 12 and 16 once delis, but there are tons of different varieties and sizes even different colors
Call 1-800-668-3235 They will ship them UPS, or you could ask for a catalogue.
Uncle Roy
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Old 08-04-03, 05:41 PM   #32
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Know what's even cheaper Roy?? I just get 20 feet of 4-inch PVC and cut it into 2.5 inch sections (as seen by my picture there). It costs like $1 a foot, so I can make 96 "holders" for $20!!! That's only 21 cents per holder!

And the 4-inch PVC fits the 16oz deli cups perfectly!!

I'll check out the cap ends for smaller sizes. I was thinking of them for Jungles. Jungles don't need a 16oz water dish soo.....
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Old 08-04-03, 08:01 PM   #33
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Yeah, that's frugal of you there Jeff..Nothing wrong with that, but everytime I cut that crap the saw goes sideways and I end up with uneven rough ends that are sharp and harder to clean..
I'm spoiled I guess, I just buy the couplers,as they are straight, even , smooth and easy to clean without burrs... you're right though, the couplers are over 2 bucks. You got a nice band saw, the time and a steady hand, cutting your own holders out of 4 inch PVC is by far the cheaper way. Actually I have a band saw at work, maybe I'll try that next time..
Yeah those pipe cap baby bowls would be great for your baby carpets, and maybe Pueblans and other stuff that size. Hondos just flip them and make a big mess.I've hot glued them to the sides before. Hondos are a pain to package in temporary housing. Got to put those big wirey guys in shoeboxes, right from the get go.
Uncle Roy
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Old 08-04-03, 08:33 PM   #34
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Heh heh, but in my non-frugal youth, I bought a $300 mitre (chop) saw that cuts sooooo clean and straight, its not even funny.

Heh heh.....I'll SELL you some sections??? LOL, JK.

Heh heh, Hondos ARE a pain, but when you see the colors....its just sooo worth it. But you are already WELL aware of that, ha ha!

Did we lose Trev (aka Chewie)? This WAS his thread, wasn't it??
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