Well its rare I comment on these forums but I think this is warranted.
Many breeders prefer to stay private when they sell their offspring. Like Linds said. For whatever reasons. Be it personal, business or they just dont want to get dragged into such a posting as this. Anyone that has asked has been given the complete history on these snakes as we know of.
Be it a $35 Cornsnake or one of the Albinos or even higher priced animals all of the new owners are offered any information on the history related to the reptiles they go home with. Be it CITES or even breeders emails and or phone number we have no problem in offering up such information when the breeders ok it.
LILCREEP I would like to know who you asked regarding the history of these snakes.
As for my friends (staff) responding to questions they tell everyone their knowledge of each reptile on site. If they arent sure they will forward such questions directly to me. They know I am reachable literally 24/7 from the store. The majority of the herpers all assumed seeing the albinos and our close relationship with Kahane that they were his offspring. So if by chance and inquiry was made "are these Kahanes" I am sure my staff would have said these are not Generasians.
Also BOA if I had a sale every time you wanted to buy something LOL :P You know personally I gave you all of the info so your reply is really unwarranted and why you posted that comment I dont know.
All in all we like any reptile distributor respect ones request for info on their purchases but at the same time we respect the many breeders that wish to stay in the private world of the hobby. If by chance you wish to discuss this further please feel free to call me, email me directly at
grant@portcreditpets.com or msn me directly at
If anyone is intersted in the albino boas they are direct lineage from Pete Kahl. Pics of the babies and parents are available upon request.
Otherwise have a great day
Grant Crossman