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Old 08-29-16, 02:51 PM   #31
Join Date: Dec-2015
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Re: Labyrinth Burmese python in the grass for the first time :D

Poppycock! Never ever had a card slot or card fail in 10+years of digital photography. What do you think the pros do. They're swapping cards in and out all day every day and they nearly always use a card reader.

Genuinely I've never heard anyone recommending to leave the card in because of potential damage.

Note I'm semi pro. Shot weddings, corporates events etc so I like to think I know my way around a camera.

Apologies to go so far ot!
0.1 B imperator, 1.0 M spilota harrisoni, 1.0 C hortulanus, 2.1 P reticulatus (Madu locality), 1.1 S amethystine, 1.1 L olivaceous, 1.0 C angulifer, 1.0 Z persicus, 0.1 P regius, 0.1 N natrix, 0.1 E climacophora, 1.0 P obsoletus, 0.1 L geluta nigrtia, 1.0 P catenifer sayi, 1.0 T lepidus
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Old 08-29-16, 04:29 PM   #32
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Re: Labyrinth Burmese python in the grass for the first time :D

Originally Posted by Tsubaki View Post
Oh that's a shame! Did you try setting it as a "storage device" ? The Canon programme and my last laptop got into arguments too haha, so on that I had to let it read it out as if it was just a USB memory stick. Worked pretty well.
I think it is but it's been so long since I hooked it up. Besides, I tried taking a pic without the card, and it took it but I can't access it from the camera (idk if it would show up if I plugged it in). My brother told me about a repair shop that I might visit, but unfortunately it's the only one anybody knows of nearby, and it's only open for 4 hours in the morning (on my days off it's almost impossible to get up before 4 pm). My laptop is 3 years old and just about everything is too much for it to handle. Tumblr crashes it unless I turn off infinite scrolling (weirdly enough Facebook works fine), I can barely open PhotoShop, I can't play any Steam games on it anymore, Word and Excel will severely slow down the performance even if they're the only things open, etc.

I've also never experienced issues like this before, I had my PowerShot for 10 years and my father had it before me for much longer, and the card slot never failed me but I can't think of literally anything else that could have caused it, and the same thing happened to my laptop's SD slot so I have to use an adapter.
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)
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Old 08-29-16, 04:59 PM   #33
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Re: Labyrinth Burmese python in the grass for the first time :D

Wow 3 years old and that bad? Get that laptop checked out! I need my steam games or i go crazy haha! I have a gaming pc but my old laptop (5y/o viao) still runs most games fine, just can't expect real quality on anything past 2010. Did you try giving it a deep system cleaning or just a clean instal? And without card they're gone as far as I know, at least on my 550D and my 30D I can't take anything without card. And we are very of topic haha

On topic, Loki has decided to become a mole and has buried himself in substrate!
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Old 08-29-16, 05:04 PM   #34
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Re: Labyrinth Burmese python in the grass for the first time :D

Originally Posted by Tsubaki View Post
Wow 3 years old and that bad? Get that laptop checked out! I need my steam games or i go crazy haha! I have a gaming pc but my old laptop (5y/o viao) still runs most games fine, just can't expect real quality on anything past 2010. Did you try giving it a deep system cleaning or just a clean instal? And without card they're gone as far as I know, at least on my 550D and my 30D I can't take anything without card. And we are very of topic haha

On topic, Loki has decided to become a mole and has buried himself in substrate!
Yeah it recently had a clean reboot, but I don't have anything to store my photos on so I didn't completely wipe it. Eventually I will get an external hard drive but they're really expensive. Hopefully it won't be too bad to replace/fix the SD slot, though.

Also yes, so let's focus on Loki. haha Never thought a Burm would bury themselves, that's hilarious.
3.3 BI Cloud, sunglow Nymeria, ghost Tirel, anery motley Crona, ghost Howl, jungle Dominika - 0.1 retic Riverrun - RIP (Guin, Morzan, Sanji, and Homura - BRBs, Bud - bp, Draco and Demigod - garters)
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Old 08-29-16, 05:14 PM   #35
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Re: Labyrinth Burmese python in the grass for the first time :D

Maybe he's a little insecure about his weight gain, he is a little chubby looking compared to the slender retics haha! that's it, I need to go bed hah! I'm spewing nonsense
Aho ni toriau baka!- Baka wa shinanakya naoranai...
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