Re: I Have Mites
Its easy to miss mites on a new snakes, especially if the snake has a color pattern that easily conceals them. Another common problem is the fact that while there may not be any adult mites on the snake upon arrival, it may contain eggs. This is one of the reasons why every snake (with very few exceptions) that enters my collection is quarantined for six weeks, during which they live on newspaper or paper towels which have been treated with 0.50% permethrin. There are a few select species that don't seem to tolerate permethrin well (Heterodon, for example), but the vast majority of them respond well to the treatment.
The good news is that once you've had to deal with an infestation, you tend to develop a level of paranoia that makes it much less likely that you will make that same mistake again...
Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. - Marston Bates
55.59.7 squamates, 1.1 Canis lupus, and 0.1 Homo sapiens.