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Old 06-12-14, 04:48 PM   #31
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by millertime89 View Post
And to equate this to Hitler's policies of throwing people in gas chambers and then burning their bodies is ridiculous and that kind of hyperbole does no good.
America has five percent of the worlds people and twenty-five percent of the worlds prisoners

Did you ever read George Orwell's "1984"?

You're living in it.

America looks like and is in fact a third world nation occupied by the Pentagon. The USA is divided up just as the Pentagon does over there, Green zones, Nowhere zones, and No-Go zones.

If you're not clear on this tell me what state you live in and I'll show you how it is divided up in this manner.

Last edited by alessia55; 06-12-14 at 05:17 PM..
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Old 06-12-14, 04:49 PM   #32
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by DrummingT View Post
The father murdered his two boys and used the python as a cover story, and apparently it worked. I thought Canadians were smarter than that, but perhaps not.

Even if I accept that story though, the python never left the owners house
so again, how in my example would I be infringing on YOUR right to live?
Firstly you obviously don't know enough about the case to know they arnt his kids; so any speculations on what happened(especially when you present a something like that out as fact) from you is not going to be taken seriously.

Secondly, you belittle a nations worth of people(that this website was started for) and call us nazis? And again what you say isn't fact.

Third, you didn't specify anything with your question, this is a great example. the python killed two boys and was found quickly. What if the snake wasn't found right away? Snakes are escape artist and will get out of a house. What if a friend of a friend comes over and gets bit because the animal escaped or because you wanted to show off your king cobra?
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Old 06-12-14, 07:21 PM   #33
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Re: Spread the word

Stop arguing with the guy, it's pointless.
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Old 06-13-14, 06:39 PM   #34
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by Sublimeballs View Post
Firstly you obviously don't know enough about the case
How many urls did I post about separate incidents showing Americans committing mass murder with an automobile which any 18yr old can buy just by showing that he can make a K-turn?

How many urls of Americans being killed by their neighbors snakes have you posted?

Would you like me to post urls of Americans being killed and maimed by their neighbors DOGS for which NO RESTRICTIONS exist?

I'm waiting for those urls from you.
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Old 06-13-14, 08:10 PM   #35
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Re: Spread the word

First of all..... I missed the memo on the URL competition. Oh well, there's always next year.

I never asked for urls or any evidence of something I obviously know. Thousands of pounds of moving metal are obviously dangerous. No one in there right mind would argue, as no one has here, otherwise.

Yes, dogs attack more people then any other animal in America. Again, I'm pretty sure 98% of the people on this site are well aware of that. Especially people concerned about the potential onset of new laws against our animals.

I don't need to provide you with evidence as I never said incidents were frequent, nor did I compare them to any other means of human demise. I made mention of one incident and possibilities, that's it. And I don't need to spoon feed you links about it. You seem to know alot about the case that the investigators and police don't.

On a final note, the quote used for your argument makes absolutely no sense what so ever and is taken completley out of some made up context . What does any of it have to do with you knowing about the incident in Canada with the rock python?
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Old 06-14-14, 12:47 AM   #36
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by Sublimeballs View Post

I never asked for urls or any evidence of something

I don't need to provide you with evidence as I never said incidents were frequent, nor did I compare them to any other means of human demise. I made mention of one incident and possibilities, that's it.

Yes, I've known since the beginning that EVIDENCE was of no importance to you.

For me it's a much different matter.

So do you admit that there is IN FACT.....NO EVIDENCE that these "dangerous reptiles" are actually dangerous IN PRACTICE?

If not, then produce urls to legit sources of Americans fatally injured by someone elses "dangerous reptile".

I would be just amazed if you could produce even one undebatable such fatality in the USA in the last 20 years.

On the other hand....automobiles, liquor, cigarettes...recreational boats, three wheeled recreational vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, laughing while eating, eating too much food and dying of obesity related disease...

Please sir, some EVIDENCE to support your hysterical FEAR and the oppressive laws you want enacted which will inflict pain on your fellow Americans.
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Old 06-14-14, 05:58 AM   #37
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Old 06-14-14, 09:06 AM   #38
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Re: Spread the word

Here are the facts:

1.) We do not live in an ideal world. Despite the ideal that this hobby should police itself better, it simply does NOT. Hence the problems we have today. Period.

2.) No silly laws on the state or federal level are going to impact invasive pythons in south Florida; never have and never will. But it will not stop law-makers from trying. The laws also will not stop criminal activity much either; it doesn't stop criminals from illegally owning guns or drugs, does it?

So we can argue about whether no regulation or some regulations is better, or how much American sucks and freedom is lost until the cows come home, but it does really change any of the above.

What DO we do then?

Do we just roll over and abide by whatever law comes down the pike, because its better to be the proverbial Boy Scout and keep our noses clean and separate ourselves from the idiots that continue to break the law?

Do we just keep on keeping what we want to keep, because we usually know what we're doing better than any stooge with a badge does, and the US govt ain't gonna tell us what we can and cannot do as long as it does not infringe on the right of someone else, and just be discreet about it?

Do we meet somewhere in the middle, oppose these laws whenever possible?
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Old 06-14-14, 11:01 AM   #39
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by DrummingT View Post
Yes, I've known since the beginning that EVIDENCE was of no importance to you.

For me it's a much different matter.

So do you admit that there is IN FACT.....NO EVIDENCE that these "dangerous reptiles" are actually dangerous IN PRACTICE?

If not, then produce urls to legit sources of Americans fatally injured by someone elses "dangerous reptile".

I would be just amazed if you could produce even one undebatable such fatality in the USA in the last 20 years.

On the other hand....automobiles, liquor, cigarettes...recreational boats, three wheeled recreational vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, laughing while eating, eating too much food and dying of obesity related disease...

Please sir, some EVIDENCE to support your hysterical FEAR and the oppressive laws you want enacted which will inflict pain on your fellow Americans.

Oh my god, your reading comprehension scares me.

Did you figure out your "proof" that cars are dangerous meant nothing to me when I said "yes, cars are dangerous"? Gotta tell you, I figured out cars were dangerous when I was a little kid, aswell as dogs and guns. I could post up snake bite statistics from India and work that into my argument, but I don't have to as everyone knows venomous snakes are DANGEROUS.

Yes, i can tell you have a special place in your heart for your little urls.

No, I will not admit that there is no evidence that dangerous reptiles are dangerous because I don't care enough to post urls for you. You would have to be a complete idiot to think a cobra, or a saltwater croc, or a retic arnt dangerous. I own Retics, a young anaconda, and a pit viper; I know how dangerous these animals are as I deal with them everyday. Come on over to my place and try and handle my biggest retic while I have rabbits out thawing, it's not gonna end well unless you know what you're doing. Seeing how you say these animals aren't actually dangerous(your blinders blows my mind by the way), I'm going to guess you don't have any experience with them because people that DO have a respect for the power of the animal. You do not.

Once again I am not going to post urls. But if my memory serves me correctly I recall it being 11 fatalities in the last 20 or so years. A couple of which were very young children of the snake owners(someone else killed by an owners snake). Go ahead, look it up; I'm not spoon feeding it to you.

I did provide a recent incident where two boys were killed by the rock python, sorry its not in the country that suits this argument for you. And sorry that you for some reason don't believe it. All this asking me for proof, how about you prove those boys weren't killed by the snake.

You forgot war, vending machines, pools, and several other things that we all know kill more people then snake on your list.

Last but not least, the entire last paragraph is laughable. My hysterical fear, oppressive laws I want enacted? Where are you getting this crap? I failed to see the petition I've posted to BAN snakes, oh wait that's because the only oetition I've put on this site are to STOP the addition of more species to the Lacey act. All I've said is I would be for regulating as opposed to banning them. Never did I lay out and blue print for said regulations, nor did I speculate on how intense they'd be. youve just made up what my standpoint is. Anyone serious about owning a dangerous reptile(stop kiding yourself they are dangerous) shouldnt care about haveing to put in some hours with a mentor and having someone come round to check their caging. Once again regulation is rather unfeasible.

Now I can't wait to hear your rebuttal. I'm sure it will be lousy with wild accusations, ignoring common sense, putting words in others mouths, and more comparisons to Nazis. By the way, what are you 14-16?
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Old 06-15-14, 11:15 AM   #40
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by sublimeballs View Post

no, i will not admit that there is no evidence

once again i am not going to post urls.

Case closed.
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Old 06-15-14, 09:16 PM   #41
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Re: Spread the word

Oh my god, Kyle you were right. There's no point... Atleast anyone that reads this will get a good laugh.

As for the new thing I learned today... If you don't have urls, your cobras got no venom. Oh the future generations of Americans are looking bright.
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Old 06-16-14, 01:23 AM   #42
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Re: Spread the word

Originally Posted by Sublimeballs View Post
As for the new thing I learned today... If you don't have urls, your cobras got no venom.

They have venom, but the venom will not end up in the owners neighbor.

You seem unable to comprehend this regardless of the effort made.
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Old 06-17-14, 12:16 PM   #43
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Re: Spread the word

Because you're wrong. I didn't want to post any urls.....but you dug your grave for this one.(altough I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with me anyway, let me end this)

Escaped "Pet" Green Mamba bites man in Florida - AR15.COM

By your logic people should just get a tiger instead of a cat because its their right. Never mind that 99% of people cant take care of them, least of all safely. and it isnt going to affect anyone cause its in a cage made of 2x2s, zip ties, and chicken wire.

There was just a case around me where a guy was keeping hots illegally and his friend got the bite not him. The snake is now at our local reptile rescue, i can give you the number if youd like. Once again not the owner.

Teen bitten by poisonous snake at Reidsville friend's home | Local News - Home

You fail to see the big picture, have you even thought about say, you get a mamba get bit and die. How's that look on all of us. Makes us all look like a bunch of idiots that don't know our limits and are a threat to everyone else. You've babbled on and on about America you know how we're seen in the eyes of the public. Think... Venomous or giant related death equals bans. Think about what happend in Ohio and the bans that led to. Or how many states jumped on that bandwagon because of the rock python in Canada. Even South Carolina(a still untouched reptile heaven) was trying to pass laws a couple months ago.

And seeing as you seem dead set on a snake will never get to a neighbors. Ask anyone living in Florida, there's been plenty of snakes that shouldn't be there(not talking about the Burms released by Andrew). I grew up there and can remember a retic, and an albino burm being found in my home town. Post up on as many forums as you'd like and ask how many people that had a snake escape that was never found. Snakes can get out of houses, why do you think people find shedding in their attics?

Since you don't believe the incident in Canada here's one from the states that is a perfect example of someone else suffering because of irresponsible owners.

Family tragedy: Pet python kills 2-year-old toddler - Atlanta Northside Family & Parenting |
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Old 06-17-14, 12:17 PM   #44
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Re: Spread the word

There you got your urls. Now are they dangerous? Its like talking to a wall.
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Old 06-18-14, 07:54 AM   #45
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Re: Spread the word

"According to various reports, the mother’s live-in boyfriend owned the killer python, plus a 6-foot boa constrictor, but did not have the proper license to keep either one in a home setting. "

Laws like this only impact the weak who obey them. Those folks are harassed and their lives needlessly constricted like the guy on here living in Ohio who wants to own snakes but is afraid of the fascists who control his state.

Are snakes really a problem in Florida? I know for a fact that boas and pythons were living in the wild in Florida 40 years ago. Everyone wasn't carrying a video camera in their pocket then and there was more wild land and less people living there. Those are the circumstances that have changed.

Unfortunately, the media in the USA promotes fear and hatred 24/7 as the filthy rich who own it practice their divide and conquer strategy against
their enemy...the American people.

You can either directly fight them or you can submit to their will. You will not find any third way to defeat them.

Miami Face-Eating Attack Lasted 18 Agonizing Minutes - ABC News

Florida has much bigger problems than snakes. The real problem can be circled at the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo. Instead of creating a civilized society as was done in Canada and Europe they stole all the money and use the media they own to tell us that we are the problem.
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