RI in new CRB..help?
ok, kind of a long story on this one...i apologize in advance...i am a corn snake and garter snake owner and recently convinced my hubby to allow me to get the Columbian Rainbow i have been "mooning" over that the local pet store has had for a year...she was being kept in a 20 long, with virtually NO humidity (just a water bowl) and a simple heat bulb...brought her home 6 days ago, and she started emitting a squeak the day after i brought her home...she has since progressed to the point she is starting to open her mouth to breathe occasionally, refuses food (hasn't eaten since i brought her home, although she ate 3 mice in the last 2 weekly feedings at the pet store, now 11 days since her last meal and shed less than a month ago...1.5 yrs old and 4 ft long)...i have her humidity 72 now and temp at 75 and she seems to be resting somewhat comfortably...i made a call to the vet 3 days ago, but they waited until yesterday to call me back, and now i work until monday afternoon, so i cant call back until then...any advice to help her until i can get her to the vet? the closest reptile vet is 1.5 hrs away and the outside temps are about 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside, so i am also concerned about transport to and from...
One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others. ~Moliere
Whatever you condemn, you have done yourself. ~Georg Groddeck