Originally Posted by DeadlyDesires
yes, one day when my boyfriend was working on my car he broke 2 things in the process and i was mad at him for 2 days and was yelling at him because of it and i felt so bad that i went to petsmart (this was before i learned about breeders) and i spent about 300 bux on everything he needed including the baby BP and brought it home for him, this was also before i liked snakes lol. i used to pick him up with a spatula i was petrified of him for some reason lmfao :P its funny now but thus began my love for snakes
Awe, well I guess a snake came out of the situation which in my opinion isn't a bad thing! I'm just happy that your Ball is eating which is always a good sign, especially when they come from a store like that. Hahaha, sorry that made me laugh! A spatula....classic
Seems like you have come a long way, good for you!