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Old 01-26-13, 07:50 PM   #16
Formerly Lil_Boa
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Re: One of my BP enclosures

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
Next expo I plan on getting 3 more. Love them.
nice. I'm not saying they are a waste of money-- I am just pointing out the fact that the OP can fix his nice tank he has now, buy a simple fix, instead of spending 100's of dollars on a nice new tank. personally, i would love to have them, but with 20 snakes, and limited room, racks are the way for me to...

was just helping out the OP buy a ismple, cheap fix for a problem he may, or may not even have.
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Old 01-26-13, 09:19 PM   #17
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Re: One of my BP enclosures

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
By the time you spend the cash and modify the "fish tank" you could have bought a snake tank.
I have critter keepers, a couple zoo med cages and a couple home made cages but my weapon of choice so far are these
Tell me, where can I buy a snake tank for the $38 I spent on upgrades?
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Old 01-27-13, 02:10 AM   #18
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Re: One of my BP enclosures

thank you!
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Old 01-27-13, 05:47 AM   #19
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: One of my BP enclosures

Sorry. I just don't think spending $200 is a lot of $$. A piece of pkexiglass big enough to cover most of the screen on a critter keeper is over $40 here. I also figure if it's for a single royal when you consider the fact that these tanks need misting once a week it's money spent wisely. Good enclosures are cheaper than vet bills. So many people on this site have had snakes with RI and huge vet bill due to the fact they have cheaped out on the setup. So here where I live a screen top critter keeper is about $90 and the plastic is about $40 so $190 for a enclosure is not much more. I would just expect all of it to be cheaper in the US seeing as most everything is. Snake cages are also more energy efficient. So IMHO when you consider how much better they are and the $60 difference the choice is clear. Not saying you can't keep one in the fixed up aquarium but why not get whats best for the snake instead of making due? I also have a 5x2x20" "fixed" aquarium for my boas. Only reason is that they do not make a pvc enclosure to match what I have in that size. Even with what I have done to it the humidity still fluctuates more than my pvc enclosures.
Yes it's on it's side.

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