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Old 11-12-12, 08:37 AM   #16
War Machine
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

And to answer your questions. Monitor care is pretty generalized, with expections for certain species.

Basking spot of 130-150, enough footage to cover the monitor.
10x5x5 or bigger, sealed, no vents.
Dirt/sand mix, 2-3' of it.
60-80% humidity gradients.

I'm not sure if they're climbers, but it won't hurt to have a few elevated basking logs/spots
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Old 11-12-12, 09:06 AM   #17
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

Would a piece of oak that was cut for fire wood work? its fairly large and I figured why not as cedar smells too strong for me and the split log would be big enough to hold the whole monitor on it at one time, I also plan on getting that shale/slate you talked about war, I am going to head out to home depot to get some lumber to make it taller. For a water dish would an old standard plastic rubbermaid work?
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Old 11-12-12, 10:13 AM   #18
War Machine
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

For a water dish, I'm using this for the albigs, I a wheel barrow bucket, fitted with a drain system. Large enough and easy. And strong. Make sure to frame support under your water system too. Don't want the monitor to burrow beneath it.
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Old 11-12-12, 10:58 AM   #19
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

so i would want to afix the dish to the bottom then surround it with soil right so he cant get under it?
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Old 11-12-12, 11:28 AM   #20
War Machine
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

Not fix it to the bottom, build a frame around it to support it at ground level. Then put dirt under and around it as well.
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Old 11-12-12, 11:55 AM   #21
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

Argus are big on digging, and they climb as well. I have heard reports of them swimming not rarely but I can't attest to that one.
12x6 would be a great footprint, if you could only make it taller. Could you cut out a hole i the bottom and put it on a stand maybe 2-3 feet high? Then you could put in a big horse water trough in the hole, so it's under the cage and inside the stand. Then fill the trough with dirt and presto, you've got a great cage.
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Old 11-14-12, 09:51 AM   #22
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Re: Argus/Goulds monitor questions

gouldi's are smaller than argus's top out at 3.5'/4' for males females are typically smaller. and at 3 years old they will be fully grown

Gouldii cross's are smaller than pure argus's.

They do need a good range of substrate and are typically fussier nesters than argus's to.

the gouldii in em typically makes em more shy than pure argus's but they retain the food response.

If they are "docile" around people that sort of suggests there being kept to cool.

Gouldii/argus types in general do not become docile around people.
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