Re: More Camel Spider pictures
cloverfield is a movie with aliens LOL
i don't like smooth insects much, they give me creepies. it's cute initially, but i could probably never have that one on me LOL i don't even know if you can hold them like you can some tarantulas. I rarely, rarely hold my T's but just BLARG to this one.
though it is cute, it's also creeps LOL
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.