Originally Posted by the baPhoon
It seems that way. Rather odd. We've got a pair of banded kings one in our front yard and one out back.
I just assumed it was king offspring. From the research I've done they look cheaper to care for. Crickets centipedes scorpions. He's got a ways to go before he's dining on stinging land crab but crickets and meal worms should hopefully get him to size.
I'm trying not to handle him and let him get use to his new enclosure but its so damn hard cause he's so small and cute haha. I :think: he's eaten two moths I caught for him. Just tossed them into his terrarium.
From here on out I plan on feeding him in a separate critter carrier so he doesn't strike at hands that enter his new habitat.
I'll update his progress as he grows.
Also thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm on quite a few automotive forums and those groups can be tough on the newbies. Haha
This is a popular myth that most newbies get caught up in (including me), however think about it logically.
If feeding in the enclosure means that they think each time someone reaches into the viv there is food then feeding out of the viv means each time you take them out they will think there is food.
I feed all mine in the vivs now and have had no issues - just makes sure you havent handled anything that smells of food before putting your hand in
May you have more good days than bad

You never know how strong you are - until being strong is your only choice
There are no dark clouds - just well hidden silver linings!!