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Old 04-26-12, 01:50 PM   #16
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Re: Another enclosure question.

Originally Posted by AaronRiot View Post
Buy your plexiglass /// ACRYLIC from a plastics shop. It's much cheaper than from a home depot or the like.

They should cut it to size free of charge. Additionally you'll have more thickness options which may lesson the cost.
Thanks, I found a few places and emailed them. One of them gave me a quote of 175$ for a 2x8 foot sheet of plexi glass, only problem is for my whole project I'd need 10x8 feet.

Originally Posted by scott1m View Post
hi there, im using plexiglass ( 8mm lexan acrylic) which is the best of quality, and my sav has scratched it all over already, so glass is probs the better option..
my friend works with all kinds of sheeting, so i can get replacements when ever i need them.. but he might get sick one day of cutting them for me, so ill end up making glass doors very soon i think..
I'll most likely get glass for him then if I can find some that isn't too heavy. I never thought of his nails scratching it.
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Old 04-26-12, 02:23 PM   #17
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Re: Another enclosure question.

I used plexi glass for mine.. WAY lighter then glass and less chance of breakedge... but...if you are wanting glass you have a few options.. I know my mom just got shelves for her huge cabinet made at crystal glass.. its like a windshield repair place and it was pretty cheap! BUT glass is VERY heavy and it gets scratched too... trust me i know...I have kids LOL, i thought about using windows you can get them on craigslist for super cheap or at a used building supply store.seen that suggested a few times..... or even the glass out of a set of clear shower doors you have to hunt for them as most are frosted..but they are out there.....or something similar.. i would try for tempered glass just for safety sake...if possible.. take a look around... i found a ton of stuff on craigslist i could have used but chose to go with what i did for my own reasons...
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Old 04-26-12, 03:24 PM   #18
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Re: Another enclosure question.

i was looking around for a for a big upvc window for mine, but they quite hard to find one with the proper needs i want from it, ill be making a good set of windows once i get hold of some nice sheets of tempered glass, but its not cheap which is why i went with the plexi cos that is free. That was the hardest part of building the cage was designing the doors, still not how i want them, but itll do for now..
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Old 04-26-12, 03:51 PM   #19
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Re: Another enclosure question.

I'll definitely look around and see what's available. We were looking for glass doors when we build my boas tank but they were all at least 100$. I already know how I'd want to build the doors too, the tank is only 2 feet tall and I know savs need at least 22 inches, so 5 feet of plexi glass will be completely sealed down so I can have 2 feet of substrate on that side, and the other side will have hinges and open upwards. To keep the earth on the higher side I was going to build him a tunnel with large cement blocks. Knowing my sav though, he's going to dig out the substrate onto the side where the door is so I'll have a mess on my hands I'm really excited to have it all finished. I'm more nervous about keeping in the humidity but Wayne gave me instructions how to build the enclosure properly so I'll be following that.
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Old 04-27-12, 09:59 AM   #20
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Re: Another enclosure question.

I got uber lucky and scored a few clear (safety) glass human size doors for free.

A friend of mine is a contractor, he was hired to do a demolish job on a motel.

When he offered me those glass doors, it was impossible to say no.

Now if I could only score some high school trophy cabinets, or jewelry store displays...

An old soda/beer display from a store would make a great arboreal enclosure.
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Old 04-27-12, 10:09 AM   #21
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Re: Another enclosure question.

Yard sale you'd be surprised how cheap furniture goes! It's not free but still very affordable.
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Old 04-27-12, 10:24 AM   #22
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Re: Another enclosure question.

Originally Posted by Kingsnakechris View Post
Yard sale you'd be surprised how cheap furniture goes! It's not free but still very affordable.
I saw an eneclosure made from an old console TV, the guy gutted it and took out everything, then he put a clear glass where the picture tube used to be and it looked awesome.
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Old 04-27-12, 10:56 AM   #23
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Re: Another enclosure question.

I thought about the display case thing for my beardie...I figured it would look great and on top of that, storage on the it sits I have my reptile cupboard sitting in my livingroom next to the looks kinda barron sitting there with nothing on top anymore.. lol..wish I had thought of that when we built the new enclosure and added a cabinet.. lol oh well... I also have tossed around the idea to build a coffee table enclosure for Cecil.. maybe one day ill get something else to sit on top of the reptile supply day id like to try a chameleon...but that will have to wait until I am used to carring for Harley...and have that completely under control.. oh well gives me tons of time to get ready for him.
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