Re: Want to get a tortoise
To be honest I wouldn't suggest getting something at a place you aren't at everyday. I have to point out that lizards,frogs,snake etc aren't like dogs and cats and do need a careful eye especially if random unpredicted circumstances came up, like black out or sudden sickness, your dad wont always be home and you wont always be able to get to him. If your dad goes out for a day and your his power kicks out or something, you may not know or if you do you can't get over there, what would you do then?
Keep an animal where you can keep as eye on them everyday so that when something happens you can respond to it as quickly as possible, you shouldn't trust anyone else with YOUR pet because they might not treat it as anything else but YOUR pet.
My parents have been separated since I was 6 and I went through a lot of back and forth an neither wanting the responsibility. I hated mine and went through a lot of stuff with them, we aren't a family now (I'm 21) but they have apologized and have been trying to make amends and I realize that they weren't ready for me and it took them a while to own up to that responsibility and I realized the worse thing I could do was to cut them out of my life.
You might not think it will happen now but trust me you will get to a point where all this stuff that is happening will be moot and you'll want your parents around, they will realize you are an adult and will treat you with the respect you want and you'll get along better then before. I went years without talking to both my parents, and even though I realize if I hadn't it would have added to the worse years I regret missing out on that time, I only wish we had all grown up together and had the ability to act as we do now back then.
2.0 Ball Pythons, 2.0 BCIs, 0.1 Crested Gecko