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Old 02-20-12, 02:17 AM   #16
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

I don't trust pet stores that's why I buy from one person only or some opne he kniows
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Old 02-20-12, 02:18 AM   #17
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Regardless... I apologise if I offended you I guess. I'll just stay out of it. Someone else can help you. Caylan.S.
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Old 02-20-12, 02:18 AM   #18
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by theapexgerman View Post
I don't trust pet stores that's why I buy from one person only or some opne he kniows
I don't trust most of them either, but I do this one.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-20-12, 02:20 AM   #19
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by Caylan View Post
Regardless... I apologise if I offended you I guess. I'll just stay out of it. Someone else can help you. Caylan.S.
I'm sorry too. 2 males can lock though? It's possible they are both males even though they locked?
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-20-12, 02:21 AM   #20
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

I guess it could happen but I'm not a breeder person so I got no clue lol
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Old 02-20-12, 02:23 AM   #21
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

I'm a soon to be breeder, but I have no idea about this. I was just shocked when I saw them locked.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-20-12, 02:29 AM   #22
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Breeding to much of hassle for me only breeding I would do is durmils and I still got many years before mine mature enough to breed
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Old 02-20-12, 02:33 AM   #23
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

I sure hope this isn't a female though. #1 If it's a female she's too small and could become egg bound and #2 I'm not ready for eggs yet.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-20-12, 02:43 AM   #24
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

50/50 could be a male or a female if it is a female hope the male shot blanks lol
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Old 02-20-12, 12:00 PM   #25
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Ok I decided to probe him again and it went in just as far, but I made a miscount last night. I thought I counted 6 scales, but it was only 4. So, needles to say, he is actually a she *Sigh*. Now I'm in a rush to get ready for eggs and I'm going to have to keep a VERY VERY close eye on her, so I can get her to the vet if she ends up egg bound. She's 3 years old and, but is done growing, so she will never breed again. Got to get to the store within the next few days to get some tubs so I can get everyone separated.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-20-12, 12:58 PM   #26
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by kernel View Post
Ok I decided to probe him again and it went in just as far, but I made a miscount last night. I thought I counted 6 scales, but it was only 4. So, needles to say, he is actually a she *Sigh*. Now I'm in a rush to get ready for eggs and I'm going to have to keep a VERY VERY close eye on her, so I can get her to the vet if she ends up egg bound. She's 3 years old and, but is done growing, so she will never breed again. Got to get to the store within the next few days to get some tubs so I can get everyone separated.
You're 17, so coming from a "recently teenager" you don't need to be so offended by people trying to get information out of you. It's ok to have been ill-informed, thats not your fault. But housing two could end like this even if they've been fine for a long time..

Things that deal with my shenanigans: 1.0 Black Milksnake 1.0, Champagne Ball Python, 0.1 Girlfriend,
2.3 Employees
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Old 02-20-12, 01:05 PM   #27
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

You need to get all your snakes separated into their own single enclosures ASAP. Just go to Target or whatever and get tubs. They're cheap. There's no reason to delay doing this- go tonight. It'll only take you a few minutes to go buy a tub and set it up. Co-housing is not worth the risk of cannibalism OR accidental pregnancy (as you might now be facing). I don't mean to be harsh but you need to see that we're all trying to help you give your snakes the best they deserve...
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Old 02-20-12, 01:22 PM   #28
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

"She's 3 years old and, but is done growing"
What do you mean?
Words build bridges into unexplored regions.
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Old 02-20-12, 01:36 PM   #29
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by Skumbo View Post
You're 17, so coming from a "recently teenager" you don't need to be so offended by people trying to get information out of you. It's ok to have been ill-informed, thats not your fault. But housing two could end like this even if they've been fine for a long time..

Yikes, where did "corn snakes aren't cannibalistic" come from?

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
You need to get all your snakes separated into their own single enclosures ASAP. Just go to Target or whatever and get tubs. They're cheap. There's no reason to delay doing this- go tonight. It'll only take you a few minutes to go buy a tub and set it up. Co-housing is not worth the risk of cannibalism OR accidental pregnancy (as you might now be facing). I don't mean to be harsh but you need to see that we're all trying to help you give your snakes the best they deserve...
I know that NOW. I don't have my drivers license yet, my mom has strep throat and my dad won't be willing to take me, so I can't go tonight, but I should be able to get there by the weekend.

Originally Posted by jay0133 View Post
"She's 3 years old and, but is done growing"
What do you mean?
She is a 3 year old female that someone gave me a year ago and they were only feeding her one fuzzie every 2 months, so she is extremely stunted. She has been at the 230 gram mark for several months, so I think she's done growing (I could be wrong though)
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-20-12, 01:52 PM   #30
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Well let's hope your male corn is a steril snake or your going to have fun trying to hatch eggs I got all of mine in cages cept my durmil he's in a tub must say lot cheaper than a cage
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