Re: Help me design my enclosure please
I feel like a teenager again I've been changing my mind so often. Well, let's be adults and call it 'weighing options'. ;^) I keep going back to the fact that I'd be building/buying a big display cage for a snake who rarely leaves his hides (except to go from one to the other or eat).
Now I'm considering building or buying a 2 tub wide x 3-4 tub high rack system on bottom to house the BP and any future additions with a bigger enclosure on top for my carpet. It'll be a lot more efficient that way. I'm going to hit Wal Mart this weekend and check measurements on some tubs and see what I can come up with as far as flexibility for different sized tubs for different sized snakes that will be interchangeable as they grow and need larger tubs. I've read 41 qt. tubs are big enough for female ball pythons and most adult colubrids so I'll probably start there.
Still in the early brainstorming phase so don't be surprised if I change my mind again, but this is where I'm at now.
1.0 Burmese Python, 1.0 jungle carpet python, 1.0 boa constrictor, 4.3 Royal Pythons, 1.0 50% SD reticulated python, 1.0 western hognose, 1.1 cats, 2.1 dogs