Re: Dekay snakes
Those are sooo cute! how tiny!!
and i love the name, xena!! We used to have a packman frog that croaked everytime xena did her yell...we were going through all the seasons of xena on dvd and were watching it alot...every time she yelled he croaked! lol
Video is cute!
You know out of all my days hiking with my dad, and living the country, and trips we've taken i have only seen a snake 4 times. The first 3 were rattlesnakes when i was a kid, and once hiking with my dad i stepped on Something...and it wasn't hurt, just pinned beneath some branches and leaves i stepped on. No clue what it had been. Only got a glimpse and it was ages ago.
We went to Australia and i was hunting EVERYwhere for animals. Mexico, Canada (though not much walking around there) different states in the US..Maybe I should make it a specific trip to go snake hunting to find something! Gosh even all our years camping I've not seen any.
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.