Originally Posted by dshin963
kyobi Tek4 professional infrared thermometer i think
and nooo its on fahrenheit because when i change it to Celsius it says 0-2 degrees...
I was just reading the operating instructions, sound complicated to me. I would bring it back.
You can make it simple for now and just get a digital thermometer with a probe at your local pet store, and place the probe on the basking spot in the hot hide. Order a thermostat, if the pet store doesn't have one ask if they will order one for you. You can plug your under the tank heat pad into the thermostat and use the digital thermometer to set the thermostat to the desired temperature and not have to worry about temps again! The digital thermometer can then be used on the cool side to measure the cool side. The Repti-temp 500r you can use two sources at the same time, either a heat pad or a ceramic heater.
Give Exclusive snakes a call or email and see if they have a store that you can purchase these and if they only sell on line then you can always just order over the phone if you feel more comfortable.
I used to be the same way, with my credit card and ordering on-line, but I didn't have a choice once and used Pay Pal and they were awesome. They are like a middle man between the company and you.