Hi everyone. I am not a snake owner currently (I don't have the space and money for the types I like currently) but I very much like them and want to get to know other snake lovers and learn more about them.
I have owned a ball python and burmese python as a teenager and was at one point a dumb young kid that bought a snake trusting what the pet store people told me and ended up in a bind. I regret those mistakes but all I can do is be sorry I made them and learn to not make the mistake again. I really wish more pet stores were out to provide good pets rather than make a quick buck because unfortunately too many young people make the same mistakes I did. I adopted a medium sized ball python from a friend who was moving, as well as a burmese hatchling, and was quickly overwhelmed with feeding issues, escaping snakes, and a massive snake I couldn't afford to feed. Luckily the pet store I bought the burm at was able to take them in.
Anyways, additionally to wanting to learn more about snakes so I am an expert when the time comes to get one, I also am a fan of pet rats and wanted to share a bit of my knowledge with those breeding them for food, as well as get some input for those of you that buy feeders since I am trying to figure out if I want to breed rats or not.
Thanks for having me in your forum