THX everyone & glad you are happy with them
They have never seen a live rat, nor should they at this point IMHO
Why were they not started on P rats?
Well here in Alberta where I'm at is "Rat Free" one of the only places in the entire world where they can easily exist but do not.
AB has had "Rat Patrol" since the early 50s? & has taken huge steps & lots of money to ensure rats never get a foot hold here in the province.
If someone ever sees one a quick phone call will have a "swat team" of rat hunters respond to find it/them & eradicate them ASAP
Thus AB has a no live rat law & if one is caught with them HUGE fines per animal as well as potential jail time. Google it up if intersted in learning more
They have all started on mice Fs & will easily switch to FT rats.
The feeding after Dave got his every single Woma here took FT Rat Ps & the one that had refused both live & FT mice Fs took 2 FT rat Ps
Approx 2/3s of all the Diamonds took FT rat Ps first time as well (approx 20some of them).
The more meals they both eat the stronger their food responses will become & the switch will be easier. I have had no issues in the past switching them from FT mice to FT rats anyhow, most struck & constricted ASAP
I think to offer them a live one would be taking a step backwards somewhat as they are all on FT prey now.
I would maybe try a live rat P in the future (a few months) if they still haven't switched over, but would be more apt to just wait & try a rat right after a mouse kind of deal.
If you thaw them all out in the same bag helps lots as well for the more stubborn ones.
I will do that for the ones that refuse them a few times.
Anyhow glad you are happy Dave & they definitely look better in person, pics fail to do them justice Cheers Mark