Re: New Ball Python - first time owners
dont heat your cool end only heat the hot end,then the temperature drops the full legnth of the tank to give you a good temperature gradient.that way the snake will pick the temp that suits it best.put hides in both ends of your tank,in the middle too if you have enough hides.that way a shy snake can hide in the temp it likes best.if a snake only has one hide and its nervous it will use that hide even if the temps dont agree with will take being out of sight over a desired temp every time.most of my snakes only go up their hot end just before,during or after a shed,some sit up there for the whole shedding for it being in its hide most of the time.your snake may prefer to stay out of sight on the other hand once it settles in it might come out more.the longer you have it the more you'll get to know it.before buying a snake check up on how that particular species acts in the wild and in captivity.some snakes like blood pythons will stay hidden most of the time and only come out to feed.carpet pythons on the other hand are semi arborial and love to climb and hang off branches in full view most of the time.its really worth asking people who work with the species your after just in case its usuall living habits go against what your looking for with your reptile.hope this has been some help to you mate.
cheers shaun
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